Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Events and Emotions

I am normally the catalyst for my own change.  Lately, though, this girl has had a bad motivator.  (Star Wars, anyone?) 

Let's be honest, my drive has plummeted with each challenge.  But what has really gone south has been my ATTITUDE!!!!

I didn't give up early in the year.  I persisted!!!  But, I noticed that as the year went on, I wore down under the challenges.  My usual coping mechanisms (wine and chocolate) were not working.  I wasn't persisting!

Tony Robbins shares an idea that over-achieving personalities (sometimes me) tend to focus on controlling events rather than controlling their emotions. But the most successful people really spend a great deal of time learning to control and use their emotions for success. 

Ding Ding Ding!!!!

I was overwhelmed when I couldn't control some events.  Those pity party and cry fests didn't seem to help me one single bit.  (well, Dave did buy me flowers one day.  He shouldn't reward my bad behavior like that! :)

But honestly, I stopped looking for solutions and let the motivation go and the emotions turn sour.  It is time to get back to bringing that positive spirit back into my training.  No quitting!

Time to stop worrying about events I can't control, and work daily on my ATTITUDE and the control of my emotions. 

Okay, so IMLOU is out.  Leadman 250 is out.  It was a sad reality, but it is now no longer sad, it is just part of the schedule change that has to happen for me this year as I continue to push, learn, and grow.  

So, what things are motivating me today to persist?
  • A stellar 100 mile finish by Kevin Leathers.  Congrats, friend!
  • An email from my Crossfit "coach" asking, where have I been?  
  • Seeing some friends like Angie and JV run 16 miles followed by a 5k race on Sunday.
  • My husband going to the gym every single day to rehab his knee and back to try to play soccer again.
  • My sister waking up early and going to her new gym.
  • Going on small 1 and 2 mile runs with Dave.  In our 14 years together, this is the most running we have ever done together!
  • Lucho crushing the Leadman record. 
  • Laureen's Breck Epic Mtn Race performance
  • Charlie's positive attitude about missing Leadville 100 for a mandatory school ceremony
  • Kari lining up for AGNats despite a year of up and down illness
  • Julia.  I don't know that she did anything :)  She is just always on my mind, inspiring me through her strength. :)
  • Lesley and her mother...qualifying for Kona at the same race!! Read the article here!
Okay, that should be enough to get me going through the week! 


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE NOT FAT!!! :-P Cheer up my friend, you will come back better than ever next year. I just know it.

GoBigGreen said...

Oh you are sweet. But dont be hard on yourself. When you are sick, or things are out of your hands ( spouse is sick) its very hard to be persistent. Sometimes you have to get out of your own way and just Be.

Unknown said...

You Accomplished something amazing at IMTX! Be proud of yourself, because we are! No more beating self up.

Jennifer Harrison said...

It is always during the bad times we realize what is really important to us and WHO is important to us!

You will be back at it soon. Be kind to yourself. :)

Laura said...

Love ya Damie!

Libby said...

Ahhh! How similar to what I was just thinking/writing. Couldn't agree more and love the positive attitude. I need to catch up with you ! What's going on ?!?!