Sunday, May 13, 2012

6 days...:)

The final countdown is here.  I am in full taper mode, and I love it!  Some people hate tapering, but I think it is fun.  My body is feeling ridiculously fresh (you don't know how hard you were working until you taper), and I love the free time I have.  It is as though I now have weekends again!
Yesterday my ride was easy followed by a comfortable brick run.  I was home so early, I was able to read, spend time with the dogs and Dave, go shopping, go to Greek Fest, watch Transiberia, and more!  Holy Saturday!
Today I had an easy hour run on the schedule.  I took advantage of the opportunity to take Dave and the dogs with me to the park.  We jogged easy, peed on trees (all of us), chatted, took breaks, and just enjoyed our family.  One of my strengths as an athlete is my ability to take it easy.  When my plan says easy, I have fun.  I don't whine about pace or resting.  I embrace it.  The work has been done for a while body needs to absorb it!
6 days till IMTX.  I am getting so excited!


Steve said...

OMG... next weekend??? I am so dumb... do your best. :)))

GoBigGreen said...

you are going to LOVE TEXAS!!! I am so jealous, just think how LUCKY you are to get to do this. I know that you will embrace the heat ( heck you live down THERE, its hot anyways!) and I know you are going to knock it out of the park.

hillary said...

loving the family pics here! we have been enjoying similar fam-time on the post-ironman "recovery wknd." glad you are embracing soaking up all the work you have done. i am counting down til the IMTX spectathlon!

Chukie B. said...

This is Leslie under Chuk's sign in... Good Luck!!! You are going to do great!!

Nancy N. said...

Have a fantastic day out there!!! We'll be cheering for you :)