Sunday, April 29, 2012

Now That's Funny

When I crashed, I initially thought...."oh no.  Please don't let anyone have this on video."  I imagined my crash appearing on Slowtwitch, and I wondered what I would say to defend myself.

A day later, I saw this picture of Heather Wurtele.  I had heard that about 7 people had crashed in the same spot, and I felt a little better to see that even a seasoned professional could go down too.
Heather's crash looked eerily like mine felt.  I poured through the pictures, hoping there was not one of me as well.  (BTW, congrats, Heather, on a great finish and podium place.  Nice race!) I couldn't find a picture of me.  Saved!!!!

And then it happened.  Shawn posted one of me on our Wattie Ink page.  Touche, touche.  Love it.  There I was, spread eagle on the ground in T2.
We had a lot of fun with this picture for a day or two on Wattie Ink, at my expense, but well worth it. 
Denise couldn't contain herself, though, and she posted a re-enactment of my crash on facebook.  Now, that is funny stuff.  I was laughing all day long at this picture, and it is my new favorite picture.  Don't you worry, Denise, 3 weeks from now I will get you back at IMTX- I have some ideas :))))).  
Kari (does anyone remember her?  She used to blog....) also added to the fun and made a side by side comparison of my real crash versus the barbie re-enactment.  I love my friends. 
So, the spread eagle crash re-enactment is the new "planking."  I thought my crash was long forgotten, but Mustafa kindly posted this picture on Wattie Ink today with the caption "getting my Damie on."     
Spread eagle- my new pose.  It looks a little bit like a mating call.

I frickin' love my teammates and friends.  I haven't laughed so hard in one week for as long as I can remember.  We have more crotch shots going around the Wattie Ink page than I think I need to see.  (Better than the picture of Matthew Ward- an unmentionable picture...I promise not to spill the beans on that one). 

I love to laugh at myself.  I will also love getting revenge on a few of you.  :))))))


GoBigGreen said...

Im not sure i want to comment on what i am thinking, so i will just say your shoulder looks great!! YAY!

Joy said...

Haaaaa! Love that there's a picture. Too funny :) Glad you're ok of course ;)

Angi Axmann said...

Oh man, you guys are funny :-) As long as nothing BAD (like injury) happens - we can laugh :-)

Jennifer Harrison said...

THIS is so funny! I love the side by side barbie pic and you. I am glad you are ok, and now we can laugh about it.
Yes, who is this Kari you speak of? She used to blog and email me all the time!