Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weekly Links...

Here are a few great links to share for the week.

Another great podcast interview with Simon Whitfield on Legends of Triathlon. I took away the message: "Get obsessed- stay obsessed." I couldn't agree with this 100% more, although I find that you open yourself up to criticism when you choose to love your sport with obsession. Simon Whitfield is awesome. This is a must-listen. (And, while you are at it, listen to the interviews with Erin Baker and Spencer Smith, which are also on this show and are really good.)

I always really enjoy listening to Jordan Rapp. I laughed out loud when he said that he played soccer but was not a runner growing up. That is 100% the soccer player mentality. You can make us run for miles and miles chasing a ball, but line us up for a 1 mile timed run and we have a total melt down. I always find Jordan to be really helpful, and he really will take the time to talk to amateurs and answer questions. Great guy.

Great blog post from Jen Harrison on longevity. Just the idea of longevity was enough to make me love this post.

For me, I have been battling the demons of a job change for the past week or two. I like the change, and I am on the right path. I struggle with the worry of decreasing finances, which have come initially with this job change. I also worry...did I make the right decision? I think fear and worry is pretty normal with any big change. I am resolved to being "fearless in the face of my fears." For every worry that presents itself, I try to replace it with some sort of action...or stillness. I think both can be equally effective. :)

I am also planning on going to a training camp. This is something I have never done, and I want to start pushing myself to take advantage of these opportunities. I always have some excuse not to go. (See above paragraph on worrying about money, job, etc). But honestly, it is just an excuse. If you want to do something, you need to find a way to make it work.

Lastly, I am starting the beginning of a prep for a colonoscopy. Good luck to all of my friends this week...I am sure I will be a ball of fun when I go for days without food. I am going to pretend I am on some Hollywood cleanse. I can't believe people actually pay to do this for no medical reason.


Angela and David said...

Good luck with the colonoscopy! I had one 2 years ago and my biggest memory is laying around in a room with a lot of drugged up elderly folks and all of us farting like crazy.

Steve said...

Wow, sounds like you are starting oFf the year on a pretty good note. I think I am too!! :) 4 days 34 miles. Last year, I probably had zero weeks of 34 miles. When things are good they are gooooood.

Best Wishes Damie!! I am really impressed with you as a person!! :)

Jennifer Harrison said...

OH good luck with the colonoscopy! AND camps - best way to spend a week or long weekend. You will love them! Great value!!!