Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Scary Christmas

The 2011 holiday season has been pretty low-key. Last weekend, I went to a relatively normal party with Los Locos...I wore a dress, drank some wine, hung out with my teammates...

Normal looking, right? (and that is my fabulous friend Michelle...love her! And she loves my husband, because he said she only looked 40, and that made her night. Dear Santa, please let me be wrinkle-free like Michelle as I grow up. Oops... too late.)

But my Christmas lost all normalcy and became a little scary when we went to our annual soccer party. (Well, I guess it is technically Dave's soccer party since I am solely a triathlete now). This years theme was "'Tis the Season for Merkins." I did not know the theme until I arrived. For one, I am so glad we did not have to wear a merkin to gain entrance. Secondly, I had no clue what a merkin was, but now I know and I will always associate Christmas with merkins. Lovely.

Sorry to share that scary picture with you, but if I had to experience it, I think you should too!!!!

xoxoxo Happy Holidays!


Angela and David said...

Too funny! I had no idea what a merkin was either. I learned something from your blog.

Molly said...

Oh my! I didn't know about merkins either!

GoBigGreen said...

I kinda wish i hadnt clicked on that link....