Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Run :)

I am a lucky girl in so many ways. I often say that I have a good life, and it is very true. I have many thanks to share with friends and family, so thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I ran in the 104th running of the Turkey Day Race 5 miler in New Orleans. This race always rocks, and there is an Abita beer truck waiting at the end :) I have run this race 2 x prior to today. I don't remember my first result...probably 9 minute miles?

I do remember my second result in 2004- 40:00 flat. I was ecstatic because my goal was to run 8 minute miles, and I met my goal. I wasn't much of a runner back then. I didn't run any 5ks or other races, I just played soccer and thought the Turkey Race was a fun "event." I also remember the 2004 race because Dave ran it with me...and somewhere around mile 3 he asked me if he could run ahead (because I was going so slow!!!! :))))
Post-race with my friend Keith :)
Today I ran the race not only because I wanted to see my friends and drink some beer at 9am, but I also really need to work on my running speed. I unfortunately fall into that category of runners that does not maintain high speed/lactate threshold/VO2max well. You know those people that don't do sh#t and still manage to be fast? That is not me. I have to fight for every little second...every little fast twitch fiber. And after a year of Ironman training, I just have to face the fact that I am slower than I like to be.

My last track workout and my last 5k were both in 2010. Yikes! At this point, I have been out of soccer for so long that I can't even cheat and use my soccer games as speedwork. Time to get to work.

The 5 miler was predictably hard for me...uncomfortable and hard. I managed to make each mile faster than the previous mile, but faster is relative as I was far off of a PR. It was definitely a struggle, and at times I thought..."WHY? why does it have to be so hard and why do I have to be so slow! Why can't I ever break through as an athlete? Why is this such a it too much to ask to be fast?"

I have no doubt in my mind that hard work is the only answer. Plus, I am sure the 2004 runner that I was would be thrilled to be the 2011 runner that I am now, so I am thankful that I have come so far. With running, I find that it always helps to look at the big picture, not just a single race or moment.

Okay-so more speed is the plan. I want some faster running in my triathlons, so I am going to have to do some open running racing. I get nervous just thinking about the hard work ahead of me, but I am going to embrace it.
Dave did the Turkey Day Race with me, and he was limping from the start from some soccer injuries. But, wouldn't you know at mile 1.5, he pulled away from me. His injuries had mysteriously disappeared. But, at mile 3.5, I was right back with him and just kept running past him. (I don't think he has run 5 miles straight in 7+ years, and I could tell he had zero endurance). I never underestimate Dave, though, as he has a sub 5 min mile to his name, and that was before he gained all of his college speed. When I got to the stadium, I pulled up with 200 meters to go....I had won. For the first time in my whole life, I beat Dave. (beat him by default, the default being that he is injured and out of shape). I waited on him to enter the stadium, and we finished together just laughing around the whole track. He is such a good sport, and it was so much fun to run and finish a race with him.

The post-race beer line! It pays to finish your race quickly...less wait for beer!

My precious friend Cindy and her father...83 (?) years old- and KILLING IT! He was a machine out there...finished sub 50 minutes and then hit the beer line. Rockstar.

1 comment:

Angela and David said...

You'll find your speed. It kind of builds on itself, once it clicks it gets easier. For a while you have to fight for every second and then you'll have a great gain. And your friend's dad is a stud.