Friday, October 21, 2011

A non-training post- since I haven't been training...

A friend of mine recently said she figured out my calling in life. I am extremely excited someone figured it out for me, since I can't seem to figure it out on my own. She said I should be the director of the Memphis Animal Shelter. (you know, the "pound" where thousands of animals are put to sleep- where puppies are starved in cages- and where family dogs are picked up by shelter workers and sold to fighting rings? that Animal Shelter).

(By the way, in just a 3 month span in 2011, the Memphis Animal Shelter killed or euthanized 3000 animals. SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS! There is just no excuse.)

I actually absolutely agree with my friend- I would be a great director of an animal shelter. Too bad I can't fix stupid people, though, and that really is the problem.

I am happy to say that on Friday night I am able to take all of the negative energy that stupid people put into my world and environment and turn it into something positive. Tonight, while dogwalking at the Humane Society, I got to spend time with Xena.

Xena is a very unique and special dog. As a puppy, she suffered a massive head injury (the story is unclear as to whether she was run over by a car or another dog attacked her). The right side of her skull is sunken in, and she is blind in that eye. With the injury came brain damage. She walks in circles and has trouble relating to her environment. She soils in her kennel and has trouble locating her food. She is as sweet as she can be,though, and I love her.

Today I had her walking in straight lines in the yard. Boo ya!!!!

Oh, and they have always said she can't walk up and down stairs? You know I loved seeing everyone's faces when I walked her up the stairs. Xena and I don't back down from challenges.

Maybe I need to ask Caesar Milan if I can come do an internship? Then I really could run an animal shelter. It would be pretty awesome....

I always have a place in my heart for the special animals. Check out Xena if you ever think a special needs dog would fit into your home.

And as always, don't forget this kiddo. You know she is my baby- still trying to find her a good home.

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