Thursday, August 11, 2011

This would be a great day to write a well thought out post. I have some topics and time, but I just don't have the energy. At some point last night, my body turned on me and I spent the rest of the night and the morning crying on the bathroom floor (which has a lot of dog hair on it, by the way. I never noticed. Totally gross when your face is on it).

Vomiting out of both ends, I must have flushed the toilet 50 times...and the shower has been rendered unusable for a few days. I needed multiple places for projection. It lasted almost 8 hours.

I have not thrown up in 6 years? I have not been sick in so long, and I have forgotten how horrible it is for your body to be truly sick.

I first blamed it on the food at Book Club. And, since I didn't actually read the book, wouldn't it be fitting that I got food poisoning? However, every single other person from Book Club feels just dandy.

And since I still feel 100% horrible 20 hours later...looks like I have a a circulating virus bug on my hands. The sweet life of a pediatric physical therapist.

Here's to hoping for enough fluid/calorie intake coupled with a total body rejuvenation to get me to the starting line of my race on Saturday. I was (or am?) looking forward to using a borrowed disc for the first time ever.

1 comment:

Jennifer Harrison said...

OH no! Feel better and good luck this weekend! Reminds me of the years the kids were little and in preschool = they were SICK all the time and I got sick ALL the time too! ICK. Feel better!