Sunday, March 6, 2011

13 Pain Free

What do these two things have in common? They both = I finished!

I finished only my second 13 mile run in 2 years today. Yea me!!!! I was excited to return to my 4th Little Rock Half Marathon. This is hands down my favorite half marathon course. It is a hilly race that adds just the right amount of challenge. Errr...but I wasn't all that excited when the weather made a turn for the worse in the south, leaving today bitterly cold with some snappy wind. But, I survived (although I have not been able to get warm since the race).

Last night I was on the phone with Dave, and I was a little panicky. I didn't have the miles. I didn't have the racing. I have only run 13 miles one time in the past 2 years! Ahhh!!!! What was I thinking? I knew I was not ready to race, but to be honest, I didn't know if I was ready to even run efficiently. How do I pace? What do I do????? Dave said the right thing to help me go to bed peacefully. He told me "you are a distance runner at heart. You are good at distance running. You like running distance. You will be fine tomorrow and will remember how to pace."

So, the plan today was to start out with a conservative HR and just let it be. Normally, my self talk in these races sounds like this: "can you pick it up. Just a little. A little more?" but today it was this: "can you hold this pace for the next 9 miles. are you sure? do you need to slow down?" Ahhh...the difference between being ready to race and just doing the best you can do. :)

So, I did start off slow, didn't get discouraged, and picked it up for a nice overall negative split. First mile 8:10, last mile 7:23. It was a nice way to re-enter the half marathon distance as I just had no clue what kind of pace would be good for me today. 1:43:34 for 13.29. I really have no value or judgment on the time- it just is what it is. Here is where I am today.

There was only one time I felt negative on the course, and it may have lasted 60 seconds or so. I started comparing myself to others, wondering why I have so much trouble getting faster...thinking "it is not fair!" My pace is pedestrian!!!! The journey sometimes seems so hard. I realized fairly quickly that it was not productive to be so negative and judgmental as I was running. Really, it made me an a-hole, not only to myself, but to others, and I don't want to be that person. I will continue to work hard, even if it does not come easy to me. I will be proud of my hard work regardless of the number posted.

So, I call today a success. The miles are starting to climb again and my pacing skills are returning.

But there was one superstar in the house today.

Dave and some of his men's team won their bracket in an indoor tournament. I got home in time to watch the finals today.

And wouldn't you know Mr. Superstar scored 2 goals...including the goal that tied the game back up with 3 minutes left. Now, I know we all brag about our loved ones. But, Dave is an AWESOME soccer player. He has a true gift. I love watching him play.

And I really thought it was funny when some girl (girl as in younger than me, but aren't they all these days?) in the stands shouted, "Dave, you're my hero!" I was thinking...who are these girls cheering on my husband? I didn't realize my husband had fans. Maybe I should attend more games.... Nah, gotta work on my run.


runningtwig said...

That is awesome! Congrats on a great run. I know what you mean about pacing - I had your thoughts last week at Move it Memphis...can I hold this pace? It's funny the things that go through our minds as we do these races. Congrats!

Maggs said...

Congrats on the run. I wish I could run 13 now.

Angela and David said...

Awesome job on the half mary! Keep at it, the speed will come now that you know you can do the distance. And that fudge round looks delicious. I haven't seen one of those in years.