Friday, March 4, 2011

Do all posts requires titles? Let's just pretend my posts are continuations of the same chapter. I could aptly name most of my posts: stuff.

So, I am going to have to post more dog pictures. Sorry. It is all I have, and I like to post pictures.

I told someone the other day that I really think I could stay home and take care of 30 dogs. As my job. Wouldn't even have to be dogs. 30 animals.
Bundles of joy- and a top reason I love my life.

There are 4 dog beds in this house. 4. And an open spot next to Dave on the couch.

So this weekend I am running the Little Rock Half Marathon. I think this will be my 4th time? I absolutely love this race...mainly, I guess, because I get to see my family. Otherwise, the course is hilly and hurts.

Of course this was my grand idea in November. And come mid-February I was still only running about 15 miles a week. For me, I really need to be running at least 30-35 miles a week for a half marathon. I really like to run more if I can. Everyone is different, but I feel better with more miles. So, I have recently yanked back the speed work and started re-building my mileage. I think I was up to 26 or 27 last week with no problems, so I am on the right track again. It is just too late for this weekend.

So, to make sure I don't go out too fast, have unreasonable expectations, or hurt my own feelings, I am going to ride 3 hours tomorrow so my legs are a little tired for Sunday. This is not normal half marathon practice for me, but it will help me make the race a nice training day. This was also not my idea, but I kind of liked it.

And, I finally got the dern bike computer stuff all worked out. I replaced the battery in the Cateye and got a Garmin for some cadence monitoring. Unfortunately, I was getting used to not knowing my speed. It was kind of fun to race and wonder about my pace- and then when the race results were posted it was like a big surprise.

And I need to clean my bike.

Happy weekend!!! ;)))

1 comment:

Joy said...

I just realized that riding 3 hours before all half marathons is one of those requirements that's so obvious I forgot to ever mention it to you. Just like walking water stops in half IMs.:)

GOOD JOB, miss negative splitter!