Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another full weekend- 1% training and 99% everything else. I really needed an "off" week this week. I rarely take them, but when I get to a point where I don't want to do what is scheduled, I know something is going on and I need to back off. In this case, I didn't feel physical fatigue- I think it was more stress/spiritual fatigue. Dave likes to tell me "if you could make money worrying, we would be millionaires."

Friday night I skipped the trainer and went to Bikram. 90 minutes of the same, hot routine- that somehow never feels the same. And, the theme of the night- "things are hard enough without letting our minds interfere..." The class was speaking to me.

Nothing like napping in a dog pile for a little R and R on a Friday night.

Saturday morning I ran a slow 10k. It is just that everyone else is getting faster while I am getting slower, you know? I can't wallow in disappointment (although I will find a way to wallow a little). I am racing completely pain free, and my 14 months of rehab has paid off. But, running races "to see where you are" or "for fun" gets old quick. I would love to see some PRs or some progress in the run department. My low mileage- on average of 12 to 15 miles a week for the past 4 months- just isn't going to cut it. I honestly never thought it would. Runners get fast by running. I will leave it at that, be prepared to make the changes, and go with it.

So, the other 99% of the weekend was spent having a fantastic time with my in-laws and family. Dave's parents rode the train from New Orleans to visit us. As usual, we had an amazing time. I can honestly say I have lucked out tremendously in the in-law department. I guess my amazingly nice husband had to get his sweet disposition somewhere. :)


runningyankee said...

i love the dog pile. looks super comfy!

Jennifer Harrison said...

That couch does look soo good. Glad you got in a 10k even though you wanted to go faster! AND you are super lucky with your in-laws!!!!!!! :)

Anne-Marie said...

Love the dog pile nap picture, so cute! Makes me wish I had a 4-legged nap buddy.

That's good you're running pain free - I think that's the first step to increasing your mileage and getting faster!

I am a HUGE worrier too - maybe we could start a joint business venture and get rich, hahaha.