Sunday, January 9, 2011


My new rule as of this year is under 40- no riding. 41-44...maybe no riding. I know that sounds pitiful to all the northern folks, but winter time in Memphis = windy + humidity and suddenly 35 feels like 20. And, well yes, I have a lot of excuses. But I have a trainer so I can just get on it and roll. And so far my new rule is working out for me. (as long as the trainer ride is not over 3 hours. It seems anything over 2 hours and I am prone to cry, and 3 hours is my mortal limit).

I don't have a computrainer, so I have to be creative to make the time pass. Here are some things that have worked for me if you have a computer set up in front of your trainer.

1. ITU races. These will get you through 90-120 minutes workouts. And, I have really increased my knowledge of ITU athletes, which is an added bonus. ITU video link

2. Old Hawaii Ironman videos. This site has them from a decade ago! So, if you are tired of watching the same 2008 program, check this out. Hawaii videos click on this link and then look at the scroll bar to the right. I have found several old videos that go 60-120 minutes. My favorite was watching Dave Scott push a volunteer out of his way. WTF? Ha ha!

If anyone else knows of a site with some good, longer video, - or any good, free trainer material for that matter- send it my way!

I was going to spice up this post with some funny trainer pictures- like Cayenne bringing me presents while I am on the trainer. Yesterday it was Dave's remote control (I think she wanted me to hide it so he would play with her more) and a 10$ bill. The 10$ bill was bribe money to get off of the trainer- what a smart dog! Alas, my pre-paid phone will not let me upload pictures to the computer, so I can't share the cuteness.

PS. Yes, yesterday was a sad night for the Roberts' home when the Saints lost. While our Seahawks friends have told us to bust out the 2010 Superbowl DVD and reminisce, all we can say to them least we have a DVD- you would be so lucky to earn one this year but I doubt it.


1 comment:

Angela and David said...

I don't ride in anything under 60, so I may never ride outside again!

And I like TdF videos for the trainer as well.