Sunday, October 10, 2010

It is Sunday afternoon- complete nap time. Even my coffee is not convincing me to stay awake right now. The weekend has been full and wonderful. If I could just find a way to make my week as fun as my weekend...

A few glimpses-

Friday night girls night: make-up and Merlot
Rebekah, my sister as well as our Mary-Kay make-up fabulous consultant. She made our night fun with some make-up and skin-care lessons. She has always been great with make-up and is enjoying her new work with Mary Kay. I am proud of her. (and of course we are like alter-egos as I hardly ever wear make-up.)
Lavonne and Marissa
Jeanie and Laura
Kathy and me

Okay- so once make-up lessons were over, Dave and Justin came over and crashed the party. It was fun :)

So once again I got maybe 5 hours of sleep on Friday night and then turned around to ride my bike early on Saturday. Following the ride, I planted myself in my bed with IM Hawaii and did not move except to eat dinner. Laura joined in on the lazy day fun.
One computer for tracking, one computer to watch the race, mimosas, jelly beans, one good friend, and a cheetah blanket are all you need to have a fabulous day watching IM. I enjoyed cheering all of my friends, especially Maggi Finley, Mark Newman, Kerrie, and Angela. I am so proud of you guys!!!! The ironman is never easy- you guys are awesome.

Again- just about 6 hours of sleep and then the 10-miler this morning at Shelby Forest. Well, 10.19 miles for me...or an extra 1:15 of running since I cannot run tangents, apparently. I even had a guy come up to me at mile 7 and explain to me that he had been watching me take the long way around the course and he started to point out the tangents to me. Ha! I think I was in la-la land. All I know is I ran 10.19 miles at an even pace- started around 7:45 and avg was 7:40 so some things are going right for me with pacing. I continue to remind myself that I am looking for strength and good form, not speed when I run right now. It is good as I could care less what pace others are running and maybe the speed will come around next year or so. Or maybe not, but let's hope it does! It is really refreshing to not "know my competition" out there. I can't even point out may of the girls in my age group now, so I get to continue to run with the clock and just do my thing. It has taken me almost exactly one year to run 10 miles- I am really excited to be in the double digits (barely!) again.

But now my body is telling me to take a nap- so off of the computer I go. Again, congrats to all the IM racers this weekend- as well as the Chicago marathon runners. :)


Anne-Marie said...

Thanks for the Chicago good-luck! I just found out that Laura ran it in 2007 too - so crazy! I would LOVE to run that course on a 60-degree day.

Your weekend sounds so fun! The downside of being in Chicago for the marathon was that it was difficult to follow Kona... I couldn't get the hotel wireless to work, so I was tracking by iPhone -- not the easiest, but it worked.

GoBigGreen said...

Lovely lovely! Sounds like a great weekend, and i love the nap time bed pics. I think as soon as our fall hits ( it is still in the 60's!) I will be hibernating too.
I couldnt follow kona too well bc ihad BOUS the next day. But i am trying to play catch up!