Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Does anyone else have trouble writing a post when too many days have passed? I can never figure out what to say...too many thoughts, events, etc.

I am kind of in no-man's land right now. I don't have any races left for the year- and heck, I am not even doing a marathon or half marathon so I REALLY don't have anything on the calendar. It is hard to plan the week when you don't have a goal in hand.

Last week I still felt great and fired up. I gave myself permission to sleep in or do whatever I wanted. I kept choosing the hard effort workouts. ? By Saturday I was toast, and I was treated to my first introduction into true suffering at Trinity. And I mean true suffering. My legs have never felt that sort of pain on the bike. It was not my intention to suffer the week after racing, but it was fun and well worth it.

The true treat of the week was running for the first time ever on the Yellow Trail with Rooney. Five months ago I could not run on the trail because it hurt my knee too much. I couldn't even make it 1 mile. Now I am able to trail run- and with my favorite buddy. I felt like crying tear of joy while we were running....it was just amazing to be running with my dog through the woods. It was a moment where everything in my life was the way it was supposed to be. I didn't have to prove to anyone that I was running well- no facebook status update, no Garmin link to show my pace- just me and Rooney, having the best day ever...running with big ol' grins on our faces.

So anyways, back to this week. I am starting to chill a little bit. I know that I want to spend the fall on my bike while the weather is still welcoming. I want to spend the winter months focusing on my swim and trying to continue to build my run. I also want to work on strength, motor coordination with my right leg, and flexibility. So, I have some general things going on inside of my head....just putting them together and in a sensible order is the tough part.

Tonight- soccer game. Not sensible, but a whole lot of fun (if you like that feeling of having your body crushed, which I do).

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