Saturday, September 25, 2010

Age Group Nationals Recap and Race Report

A little picture story :) (long version, but come on...this is Nats!)

Chapter 1: It Is The Time We Spend With Others That Matters Most

Vacation for me!!! Dave has not been to a triathlon with me in two years, so I forced him to come to this one and we had our own mini-vacation. Our day consisted of sleeping in late, eating, and shopping. I was a happy, happy girl.

My in-laws came in town from New Orleans and Birmingham to visit Dave and I. We ate dinner at Epiphany and enjoyed each other's company. I have wonderful in-laws and I know that I am very lucky. We always have a really, really good time together.

And here we go! Pre race...I was determined to get to the race early this time since I have been late and rushed to so many. I arrived at 5:30 am for an 8:03 wave start!

I met up with Kari briefly before the race. I was bummed we didn't get to hang out together more this weekend as we had planned to meet up after the race, but Dave was determined to get home to watch football. (I suddenly remember why he doesn't come to many races.... :)

Kari, by the way, got 5th in her age group and had a stellar run as usual. She passed me around mile 4, and I would like to tell Jen H. that Kari is not working hard enough out there. She passed me with a smile and was actually talking to me during the race like it was nothing. I think you need to work her over for that one. Hee hee!

Chapter 2: Swimming Backwards

On to my race. The little purple caps head to the swim. Fast forward 15 minutes or so and I am not smiling anymore. I knew I was having a bad swim, but I could not figure out why. I was all by myself as the entire rest of my age group was out of sight. Nothing was in sync...but I have been swimming specific workouts for this race...NAILING specific workouts for this race- so I just didn't get it. I used every technique, positive self talk, find feet, etc...but nothing was working. I was stinking it up out there and I knew it.

Sure enough, my worst swim. Ever. 30:47. While I am not known for swimming prowess, I am not know for swimming suckiness either. I don't remember exactly, but I was something like 41st place in my AG out of the water. And that is out of 55 people. Talk about disappointment.

Chapter 3: Where Preparation Meets Results

Nailed the bike. Everything fine there. It was an easy course, and it was not as hilly as everyone said it would be. As usual, my computer was not working so I didn't have a clue what my pace was, and for once a computer would have been nice to have since I did a 1:05:06 and maybe I would have known to push it a bit more at the end to break 1:05. A HR monitor would have been advantageous as well out there- I just don't really know if I am in and appropriate racing zone or if I am lollygagging. I had the 13th bike split in my AG- a small gift after a terrible swim.

I think the bike has been spot on for me this year. I started riding again in March and did absolutely NOTHING faster than easy aerobic with the exception of 3 races until the end of July. It paid off to start slow and get a base. So, I ended the year on an up note in the bike department, and I really think I can improve even more with a better base and some interval work.
Chapter 4: Yet Another 10k in 95 Degrees

I started the run and my legs were there! No excessive bike fatigue...I was happy. I had very conservative plans and goals. For one, I haven't run in an entire week and my knee comes #1 from now on no matter what. Secondly, I am running on average 15 miles a week (biggest week was 20 miles this year), with a long run of maybe 6-7 miles (10 has been the most and that was pushing it), so a 10k is still uncomfortable for me. I thought I could do a 48 on a good day and a 46-47 if everything was perfect. My baseline goal was sub 50. I am all about realism with the run.

I started out 7:40-7:45 for the first couple of miles which was spot on. The course was hilly and tough, but I knew that it leveled out for the last 2 miles. I felt good and in control. Around mile 3, however, I really started to feel the effects of the heat, which reached 95 in Tuscaloosa today.

I pushed as much as I could, but then two things happened. 1. My left hamstring started to cramp. I mean, it was ready to POP. and 2. I got the dreaded chills.... I went into conservation mode. I took water at every station, and realized a couple of miles too late that gatorade would have been a good choice as well. I shortened my stride to help my hamstring and literally took the last 2 miles 1/10 at at time. Unfortunately for me since I live and race in the South, heat is a limiter for me.

I was no longer racing, I was surviving. I had to stop chasing the girls in front of me and focus on getting home. My goal shifted to making it to the finish line without injuring my hamstring or walking if at all possible. I never had a chance to take advantage of the last 2 flat miles. (dern it :)
Chapter 5: The Finish...Always a Good Sight

As I neared the finish line, I knew that I had placed pretty far down in my age group so I just enjoyed the day for what I brought to me: a great experience. I did beat my sub 50 goal with a 49:19, which for me was a positive result given the last few miles. I finished 24th in my age group...barely in the top half, but there none-the-less. It has been a good come back year with lots of lessons and set-backs, but lots of progression as well. I am happy to be racing and have enjoyed this year completely. And it is Nationals....great competition and amazing athletes! I am impressed by you all!!!

Chapter 6: The Wrap Up
I had so much fun post race chatting it up with everyone. I met Anne-Marie from Pittsburg! She was great!

I also met Tracy from Seattle...placed 5th in 40-44 AG. We met in the bathroom line before the race discussing the heat, and she came up to me after the race and we had a few good laughs. We also talked family planning around triathlon...ha ha!!!

I had several girls come up to me and thank me, congratulate me, or just say hi overall from seeing me on the ride/run course and pushing them to work harder. These general friendly encounters make me love the sport even more.

Teammate Tom made me hide my beer for this picture. That cracked me up. How old am I? The IM training must be getting to his brain.

And my biggest supporter Dave with a big hug post race.

My rewards for both toeing the line and finishing Age Group Nationals 2010:
- A new pair of Kino's. (from Key West...if you don't know, you need to know).
- A pair of Drew Brees earrings. :)
- Time with friends and family
- Another weekend of fun, health, and good sportsmanship!


Anonymous said...


GoBigGreen said...

Congrats Damie!
It's 38 here. 95 sounds good;) lol

kerrie said...

yay!!! this truly has been your comeback year and i'm so proud of your perserverance through all of the ups and's amazing that you were able to make it to the start line and compete if you think back to where your running was(and your knee) just a short while ago.
watch out next year!!!

runningyankee said...

i am SOOO happy to have finally met you. even cooler in person i have to say. and give dave a big smack for me since he dragged you away post race. though at least it was for football. any other reason and i would be angry :) hope to see you again soon. congrats on a great year. in triathlon but just in general. you've done some good stuff my dear.

runningyankee said...

PS - a note to jen: dont listen to damie. she is crazy.

ali said...

You are so funny, congrats on a solid race!

Angela and David said...

Awesome job! And it sounds like you had a lot of fun. Next year when you can build of this base you will be smoking everyone!

Jennifer Harrison said...

First of all, you did awesome at nats ! AND you look HOT in your race suit! LOVE IT.
ANd ...this whole KARI talking on the run...yes, welcome to my life - she hates me b/c I nag about it all the time w/ her! one step at a time! LOL

enjoy some R&R!

Anne-Marie said...

Hey! It was so cool meeting you at Nats. Hopefully I didn't freak you out too much when I came running up to you -- I recognized the Los Locos suit from Laura's blog pics and wanted to say hi :)

Congrats on your race - esp. your bike time! I love the idea of post-race rewards too... my reward was a shopping trip to the Tuscaloosa Ann Taylor Loft :)