Thursday, July 15, 2010

We all have the same amount of hours in a day, yet somehow I get to the end of my day with a gazillion things left to do. The blog is getting further down the list every day- not because I want it to, but because it is necessary.

- Dave and I are looking for a good, used car. Any leads?

- Joy and Laura are making me read the "pink" book- Something Borrowed. So far there is a lot of cheating going on. I hope there is a happy ending coming up or I may feel pretty miserable at the end of this thing. I miss my normal romance novels.

-The 5k put a nice little spark in me! Time to buckle down, set some goals, and suffer a little bit. I am getting a little weary from being in the same place for so long.

-Oh yes. So, I didn't post much on the World Cup final. I was too busy watching and discussing, I guess. I was going for Spain- I have had the pleasure of watching them play in the World Cup before. So, I am thrilled that they won. I am not a big Iniesta fan, however- not my favorite Spanish player for technical reasons. So, the ending was just kind of blah for me. Then Torres barely played and got hurt. More blah. Robben played well for Holland, I thought- always liked him at Chelsea. Not that anyone that reads this cares one bit. At least EPL starts again at the end of August. Dave and I are now saving to go to 2012 Euros.


runningtwig said...

I've been neglecting blogging myself...I meant to comment on your last post - congrats on the 5K! I thought about doing the RRS, but decided against it.

WC final was fun, but a little blah for me too - I've been a big Germany fan since the early 80s.

If you are looking for some good books, try the Millennium series by Stieg Larsson. They are awesome!!

Joy said...

How's that book coming?? :)