Sunday, July 18, 2010

When did triathlons get so expensive? I just dropped $135 on an Oly distance. Really? Now, had I entered 4 months ago, the price would have been $95...but I really don't pay for races that far in advance. A lot can happen in 4 months (injury, work schedule...)! So, Nashville Oly this upcoming weekend. Scratch Sharpshooter for the following weekend because I am now broke.

But, here we go. I am going to enter my first Olympic distance I am starting to run more consistently, albeit slowly, but consistently. This will be a good little test to see if I am really ready to take on some longer or faster endeavors, especially in the run department.

This weekend I challenged myself to a new ride. Not only do I get intimidated with big guy group rides, but I also just don't like training that resembles racing, breaking others down, proving yourself, etc... But with some encouragement, I rode out of my comfort zone this weekend with a good group. I had a running thought in my head that kept me going: "this is your day to work. it is going to be hard. you are here to work." And, all of the guys were super great, nice, encouraging riders.

Oh, and my little secret. I played in a soccer game today ;) hee hee! I enjoyed knocking a 200+# guy off of the ball. Now I am totally pooped and off to bed.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I'm so glad you went! Wish I'd been there too! :)