Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am getting ready to head to Nashville with my friend and teammate Michelle Bingham. Yea racing!!!! Racing = fun!!!! We are going to have a blast!

One thing that is not fun, though, is not owning all of the equipment I want. For the past 4 years, I have borrowed race wheels when I have been able to borrow them. This weekend, I was not able to acquire a set for the weekend, and I realized that it is draining to ask to borrow wheels. It takes phone calls, extra time, and extra worry. I am going to really start hunting for a pair of good, used wheels. I have a 10-year- old Hed Deep back wheel that I bought from a friend, so if I could just get something for the front, it should be sufficient. I would love the new 808s (and who can afford those?), etc...but after scrambling every race to try to get some wheels, I think I will just settle for something useful- affordable- and that can live at my home.

And there are so many reasons why after 4 years I have not been able to save for race wheels.

Exhibit #1: New/used car.
After sinking $1,000 in the Volvo last month and renting a car every time I travel, Dave and I realized we need to go ahead and purchase a reliable car for out of town trips. I could not convince him that a Camaro would be a good family car, so we settled on an Accord Hybrid with low mileage. The hybrid is a little ironic as it is a V6... but still, it is our attempt at going green. And, I have actually always wanted a hybrid- along with my Camaro.

Exhibit #2- The dogs.

I think the butt-heads have cost me another $1000 in the past 4 months. Do you see my finger in the left hand corner- pointing at Cayenne? Yup, she has been the biggest butt-head of them all. Rooney and Shelby are looking at me and following directions. I say sit/stay- and they do it. Cayenne is going through some nasty teenage thing and just ignores me. Well, and then Shelby and Rooney can't stop being butt-heads to each other. Ughhh. Remind me to not have 3 kids when the time comes. 2 should be plenty.

Aunt Bookie bought them all Saints they are looking cute if nothing else.

Okay- must pack up the car. Off to the races!!!!!


Laura said...

Yay for new cars!!! Good luck this weekend Damie.

Loren said...

Good luck this weekend! I watched one of my friends do a triathalon this morning and I really want to do one! However I don't know when I can do it because I can't train for the bike part since I don't have a road bike :( Whenever I do decide to do a triathalon I may come to you for training advice!

GoBigGreen said...

good luck!
I would lend you wheels if we lived closer:)

Anonymous said...

you can use my race wheels anytime you want damie.


Angela and David said...

I hear you on borrowing race wheels being exhausting. I need to get my own as well but David just doesn't understand how wheels could possibly cost so much.