Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Routine

I have slowly started to regain a weekly training schedule that is putting me back on the swim,  bike, and run bandwagon.  

I am swimming because Jordan Hasay swims 4 x a week.  What works for a Foot Locker XX National Champion, Olympic Trial runner, and a top collegiate athlete should work for me too.  So take heed, all of you runners that don't have the time or desire to get into the pool:  

Typically I'll do about four hours of swimming a week, split up into four days. Swimming is definitely a huge part of my training.  (interview with Jordan Hasay)

I am not preaching- like I have any room to talk.  Seriously, I am a stinky swimmer.  I am making myself go to master's swim in the 19 degree morning, though, and I am proud to say that Dave has not had to force me to get out of bed once this month.  Come on, guys, you know that is progress for me!  And from time to time there is an Olympian on deck, and I don't want to look like a complete idiot in front of him so I try really hard.  (and probably flail and look like more of an idiot)

In bike news- I am stoked to know that my cousin now OWNS a bike shop in Key West- Eaton Bikes.  Sweet!  I just sent him my "wish list"....if he had only gotten into the business a year or so ago.  ha ha!!!  

I am painstakingly and exhaustingly trying to get in run shape with scorching 15min x 2 runs in the freezing cold with a pace slower than my very slowest marathon that included walking the last 6 miles and visiting 2 med tents.  My biggest motivation, other than one day experiencing a different pace, is the fact that I LOVE to run.  I LOVE it when no one else is running because it is too cold.  I LOVE it when I forget my jacket but run anyways just because I can.  I LOVE it when I run in the freezing cold and my knees are...okay.  

Back to the routine.  Life is good.  



kerrie said...

oooh, that's good to know! maybe my extra focus on swimming will really pay off in my running...or at least that is what i will tell myself.
routine is good - glad you are finding your way back there!

runningtwig said...

That sounds like a great plan. I wish I could swim more, but I just don't have the time right now! Good luck with the running - I've had to remind myself a lot this year when I'm running 10:00+ miles that I love running and that's why I do it. Did you hit up the trails?

Jan said...

i'm the same way with the cold. i love to run in the freezing temps just so that I know that i'm tough to being out there. of course, i can't do that any more with little bit in tow. too little for these extreme temps and her lungs, in my opinion. i wish that i could get to a pool. maybe one day, in like 25 years when the kids are grown!

Joy said...

I'm so glad you're loving running!! Now I need you to motivate me to get in the pool. I miss swimming with you!

Kevin Leathers said...

"I LOVE it when no one else is running because it is too cold".
Right there with you on that emotion. Swimming? Um... talk to me in a few weeks. I know i have some goggles somewhere.

Laura said...

Glad to hear you've started already. Maybe you can help me find my routine? Excited for 2010!!!