Sunday, October 18, 2009

Review, Results, Renew

Do we look tired? Hee hee!

The current state of affairs-

In review, I have a big lesion on my lateral femoral condyle. It occurred in 2005, and I have clawed my way back to fitness, health, and fun athletics after being told I would only be able to work out a couple of days a week for health. It was not a running injury- at the time, I was a soccer player! Running more than 4 miles was a BIG day for me. I didn't even race in 5ks! I am lucky to have since done a dozen half marathons, 4 marathons, 2 half IMs, and 1 Ironman.

And then there was that race in March- the immediate pain- the inability to walk. I knew something was very wrong. I had many people tell me I just needed to take time off from running- that is was patella femoral pain. I knew better. My miles were so low- I had been so healthy. I knew it was my femur, and sho 'nuff...

This past Wednesday I finally had the consultation about my knee with two different doctors that are working together with me. (I have seen 4 in the past half year). We were hopeful that at best, I could have some tissue release on the lateral side to alleviate any extra stress on the femur. At worst, there is an experimental surgical procedure for a new type of cartilage implantation- and the doctor was excited that I may be a candidate.

Unfortunately, I am a candidate for nothing. The bone/cartilage doctor said this is the end of the line- surgical procedures will fail because my bone is too damaged. He cannot microfracture, cartilage implant, drill, replace, etc... And since this is not a patella tracking issue, a tissue release will not fix the problem. I got the same sad line handed to me in 2009 that I had in 2005- I will not be a runner/soccer player again. The doctor sounded so sad- sad for me. He said he has never seen a knee on a 31-year-old look like mine. The cartilage damage is astounding.

The other doctor had a more hopeful prognosis- given that he is a cyclist and knows how important sports are to me. He thinks we should scope the knee regardless and remove any damage and osteophytes that may be contributors to pain that we can safely touch, drain the 10cm cyst in my knee, and check for any meniscus damage we can't find on the MRI. After 7 months of rest, failed healing attemps that included PT, crazy hot yoga, too many walks, and too many cheesecake sessions- I understand that rest is not the solution anymore. Rest will not heal my bone- it will not heal. We have to approach this differently. I may have some big changes to make in my future with training and racing, but I am not giving up. I am "only" 31 years old, and like the doc said..."if it were my knee..."

I feel more positive now than I did 4 months ago. I am still not running, but I did get clearance to ride my bike. I am going to make some surgery decisions so I can start the healing process. I will have to change my tune towards running in the future, but I think I can work through that and still enjoy the sport. And, I am going to get back into a coaching relationship- I thought this whole time I did not need a coach because I can't do anything while I am injured. Now I realize the opposite. I need a coach to help me move forward with this injury. The cheesecake sure ain't helping. Don't believe me about the cheesecake? If you look up at the pic above, you will see my plate on the table- the remnants of cheesecake. Yes indeed.

Although I am not running now, I did get cleared to ride my bike. I also just got a hand-me-down mtn. bike from a friend and will be going on my first mtn. bike ride today. Dave does not think I should go alone and thinks me and a mtn. bike are a bad combination. Since he is at work, I am sneaking off....


Jan said...

i'm glad you know what's going on, but that's not a fun diagnosis. yea for the bike!

GoBigGreen said...

Man if i were closer to you i would steal that cheesecale or at least share it. Hmm...I am glad you are at least in a dialogue with the MD that includes some options. You are too young to be dealing with a TKA so keep trying to be prudent in your plans yet realistic with what lies down the road.

Hang in there and send cheesecake to:
Julia and Rich

GoBigGreen said...

How selfish of me..he cant eat it but send it anyways.

Laura said...

Oh Damie! Call me whenever you want to ride. I have two bikes sitting in my house that need some lovin'...

Joy said...

Let me get through my own cheesecake phase and then I'm ready to ride! :)