Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For your enjoyment, a picture of me making a fool out of myself.  That is me in the blue dress-groping my sister's husband of 10 whole minutes.  

There is simply no point to this post than to say I LOVE MY FRIENDS.  Joy and Laura left me recently to go to Hawaii.  I missed them tremendously, but now they are back so I can stalk them by calling 5 times within a 3 minute period...wondering- why haven't they called me back- I NEED YOU? They are my comfort blankies- my snuggies.  That is my new term for good friends- snuggies.  I will title this post snuggies.  I cried 3 x tonight- all for random reasons including the realization that Rooney will not be with me for my whole life (what a sucky realization) and some other randomness that just makes up my life.   My snuggies were there for me in all of my craziness tonight- thank you Joy and La! 

A day in the life-
1.  I show up to master's swim and am forced to do butterfly in front of high school swimmers and an Olympian from the past Olympics.  Thanks for that one.  Embarrassed yet?
2.  Speak your mind at work only to have crazy, intimidated females lash out at you and kiss up to the boss even though they 100% agree with what you have just said but will never have the balls to say what they mean.  (using honey, not vinegar- as I have been to do in the south- ughhhh!!!!!)
3.  Plan on riding trainer only to have father come over and invite to dinner for wine, fish, and chips.  Burn calories or consume calories?  How can you turn down your dad?
4.  Cry three times in one day- and feel completely better.  Wonder if you are pregnant, then figure out it is PMS.  Drink 2 glasses of wine and call it a night.  

I think I need a girl's night out. Any takers? We could all wear snuggies???


Jan said...

oh my goodness, you make me laugh! i've been meaning to call you back...sorry! i'm dying to see you and go on a stroll. this afternoon is supposed to be nice. what time do you finish work? email or call (janjohnson06@gmail.com)

Laura said...

I'm so glad to have such a wonderful friend in you! Snuggies, I like it!!!

runningyankee said...

i wish i lived closer.. but may be in memphis in november.. :) i'll take you up on that glass of wine.

i have the same random revelations about my girls too and the husband thinks i am crazy.

cheers to your good friends - they are truly priceless!!

runningtwig said...

I just got caught up on your blog...I hate to hear that about your injury, but I'm glad you can still ride and swim.

And your last post made me smile and laugh!

kerrie said...

i have those days too!! and if i lived closer, i would definitely be up for a girl's night out.
you look absolutely stunning in your blue dress at your sister's wedding so you must be doing something right :)