Friday, October 30, 2009

Home and Recovering :)

Damie and Cayenne- done with surgeries and on to snuggling and recovery!

Cayenne and I are going to be snuggling, recovery buddies this weekend. This past Wednesday, she had surgery on her back foot and had part of one toe removed. When we found her, almost exactly one year ago, she had trauma to one foot and limped quite a bit. The nail in one toe never grew back correctly from the damage and some weird, corny thing come back in the nail's place and started growing through the pad on her toe. Ouch! So we have been calling her our 3-legged devil for the past year! :) We thought the foot might heal on it's own with time or the pain would reside, but day after day we watched her limp in pain. We finally decided to get that part of her toe removed and help her gain some functional mobility (I write TOO many PT evals).

Anyhoo- Cayenne is doing great and snuggling with me and Roo right now. :)

The funny thing is, I planned Cayenne's surgery around mine, because I figured we could take care of each other :) I am home now with an arsenal of movies, the laptop, and The Historian as my book for the weekend. I am not going to lie, I was a little scared going in to surgery. I didn't make some of the surgery decisions until the minute before they wheeled me into the room, but I just prayed to God to give me the correct answer.

I was supposed to call the doctor tonight and talk to him about what he saw and what procedures he did to my knee. I was so nauseous for the first few hours, though, that I wasn't in any frame of mind to talk- so I will call tomorrow and get the low-down. The hard part post surgery has really been the throwing up, but now that I am over that I feel fine. Of course the knee hurts, but the pain meds are doing their job. :)

Cayenne, Roo, and I are going to live on the pull-out couch for the weekend and do all of the fine couch potato stuff possible! Happy weekend to everyone- and with my newly acquired free time I will do some catching up on my blog reading too!


Marit C-L said...

Heal up quickly to the BOTH of you! The Historian is a great read - ENJOY!!! I had a fun time with it - once I got going I was drawn in pretty quickly. Have fun with that! And for the surgery - after your tummy comes around - I think you deserve ALL the extra treats that you want. :) Good vibes and hugs your way :) :) :)

Jennifer Harrison said...

WOW! Look at you!!! :( Heal fast, Damie!!! BOTH of you!

runningtwig said...

Glad the surgery went well - I hope it works our for you and your back training soon!

Laura said...

Hey Chickie! I'll be over with cheesecake this afternoon. Have you ever had the one from Central BBQ? Rest up!

GoBigGreen said...

What is Cayenne's FIM score? haha.
I am SO glad you are home recovering and I know how hard it is to LET GO and trust the MD to do what he has to when he is in there. Now snuggle up and watch you some good movies:)