Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stages Of Grief?

I flipped through my Triathlon Life magazine today and looked for anything remotely interesting. Maggi Finley's name was in there with her nice Nationals performance, so that was fun. Otherwise I find the magazine a little boring. I did come across an article about the stages of grief during an injury and I decided to get in tune with my inner Kubler-Ross and anazlyze myself.

1. Denial- nope. Don't remember being in denial. I remember feeling really injured. Oh wait, I did try to race at the end of May. Maybe I was in denial about how serious it was really turning out to be. Maybe I was in denial about how long it would take me to recover from my injury. I remember swimming 20,000 yards one week to stay in shape so I could jump right back into racing. You won't catch me swimming that much now! I know better!

2. Anger- All of those dern treadmill tempo runs at 5am (twice as bad) down the tube. Oh, and those killer Peddler rides that forced me to learn to hurt? All for naught. I guess I was a little mad to work so hard on my fitness and never get a chance to use it.

3. Bargaining- I know I for sure did this one. "I will just do a little sprint, and I promise to walk if it hurts." That was my favorite bargaining tool.

4. Depression- oh, that must be referring to the two months I just stopped doing everything besides eating cheesecake. I stopped going to swim class, stopped going to yoga, and just stopped caring. I mean, really, what is the point in trying to stay in shape when you are clearly so out of shape?

5. Acceptance- finally, I have made it to the last stage and I am moving on.

I knew that degree in psychology would come in handy some day! Har har har- seriously, I am really happy to be moving forward with this. Plus, I get to miss two days of work, so that is more of a thrill than anything else. Whatever happened to fall break?

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