Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Watch Your Video :)

I hardly slept last night in anticipation of returning to swim practice.  (not sure if it was good or bad anticipation!).  I haven't gone in a hot minute as I needed some time off from trying so hard to get my training self back, and finally...this week, I was ready to return.  

And I woke up to rain.  No big, deal, but with predicted thunderstorms on the radar, I decided to stay in and get on the trainer.  It would be a huge waste for me to go back to bed, since getting out of bed is the hardest part for me!  

The Bourne Ultimatum would not work in my laptop DVD player this morning, so I tried to find something to pep me up.  I picked up my Florida Ironman 2008 DVD- the one I have not watched- and stuck it in.  

I got teary-eyed watching the swim and seeing all of the masses of people.  What a cluster bleep!  Just 4 years ago I could not swim 100 yards without stopping- on a 3 minute pace, without a heart attack.  But, I swam 2.4 miles in the ocean last year!  I didn't drown and I had fun!  

By the time the video got to the run, I had already planned out my next Ironman.  Then I saw Joy on the video (in the distance, but I completely recognized her running form).  Next up...me!!!!  There I was!  No one else would notice me, but there I was- sponges on my shoulders and all.  

And of course, the finish line.  What a great day.  What an accomplishment.  It is cliche, but doing an Ironman makes every other challenge in life seem easy, or at least doable.  (not to mention I think this is the only athletic accomplishment I have ever had that impressed my parents- I am so glad they came to watch!).  

Watching the video was just what I needed to re-spark my motivation to keep pushing on.  For me, it is about taking on new challenges and staying true to my own goals.  It is about the inward focus- the challenges I give myself, regardless of who else is around or the perceived external challenges.  And really, the Ironman is a very personal challenge.  Time goals, place goals, Hawaii goals- they may be there, but it is still ultimately about facing yourself.

I am getting so excited just writing about it.  I hope I get to do another one soon!  


kerrie said...

i should find a video like that to watch to get pumped up!! good idea.
they used to have the "watch me finish" feature on ironmanlive but then they got rid of it when they started to sell the videos :(.

hope the swim went well!

Laura said...

I had similar, 'plan my next IM' thoughts while Sherpa-ing Steve last weekend. I was even thinking, maybe I will sign up for FL with Nancy...

Joy said...

My secret inspiration is a VCR tape of the 1997 Hawaii Ironman. I had only done like 3 triathlons when it was aired, and I never thought I'd do something that crazy. Ha.

Jennifer Harrison said...

UM you betcha there is another one, Damie!! :)) Great idea to watch that video! I am loving your love for swimming!!