Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bachelorette Night!

Grandma Damie got out of the house and actually attended a party last night!  Whoo Hoo! Good thing, because I was the hostess of the party- and that meant I had to stay out late- no yawning and no looking at the clock.  This is very hard for me and my early bedtime ways.  But, I only have one sister so I knew I had to put the party dress on and go have some fun!
Me, Bachelorette Rebekah (aka Sugar Free Candy Love) and Michelle on our way to the Molly Fontaine Lounge for martinis and fun.  

Yes, I made Rebekah wear the condom veil and drink out of penis straws.  I think I kept it tastefully tacky, if I may say so myself.  
I love this picture of my mom, Rebekah, and family friend Jean- caught in a good time moment.

How many martinis have we had?  I am guessing more than a few since I have a tattoo on my boob and Bekah's looking like she is having quite a bit of fun.  

Thank gosh the stripper showed up.  Clark came at a good price...  :)

And, there is no party like a party with my two awesome girls, Laura and Joy.  


runningyankee said...

well hello there hot little dress!! hope you had fun :)

GoBigGreen said...

Love it. You little troublemaker you:)

Laura said...

And I think Grandma Damie told me quite a few times that we have to do that MORE. :)

Great party Damie, you're quite the hostess!

Laura said...

P.S. prune!

Samantha said...

look at you hot little mamma in the pink dress!!! I had A beer after the race in OZ...wooo. here's to us partying hard. haha.

runningtwig said...

It was good to meet you on Sunday! Thanks for helping me out!