Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I don't have anything to blog about, so I will just post another mommy with her dogs picture.  
We are probably watching the Tour- I don't think Roo and Caya are getting into it quite like me. 

My days go a little something like this:
  • Dave lets Rooney and Cayenne in the bedroom to wake up mommy.    
  • I pop up at exactly 7:30 to watch Le Tour.
  • Study
  • Throw the ball with the dogs/walk the dogs 
  • Study
  • Swim/Bike/Run
  • Study
  • Chores, errands, find a job, etc...  (eat lunch with Jan, Loren, Gina...okay, so I do find time to do some fun stuff ;)
  • Watch more of Le Tour if I didn't finish it earlier
  • Study
  • Swim/Bike/Run
  • Study
  • Rinse, Wash, and Repeat
The dogs LOVE having me home.  Dave and I have decided it is like summer camp for them.  From 7am till 10pm, they follow me EVERYWHERE.  They are my little shadows, always showing off.  Dave comes home, and they say hi to him and then resume bugging me.  They are going to be so disappointed when I get a job.  

News?  Not much here.  Yet.
I did set a new 100yd PR by 4 seconds this past week in the pool, so that was exciting.  Other than that, I can't say that I have been doing real triathlon training.  I think my triathlon training right now just consists of continuing to get healthy.  I am still at the 2-3 mile run mark about 2 x week.  I am just happy to run, no matter how little.  I think (well, I know) the 2009 tri season is a wash for me, so I will just take the rest of this year to try to get strong and healthy and try again in 2010.

I do have all kinds of big news regarding our move to New Orleans, jobs, and more...but we haven't even told our family of our evolving plans, so the blog will surely have to wait.  I think by Friday I will have more to talk about ;)


Jan said...

i like the lunch with jan part! we need to do it again!

kerrie said...

what is the news???? do tell!!!!
i think your days sound pretty great right now :) patient and the running will come. are you walking along with your jogging? you could go on a nice hike with your dogs to help strengthen your running muscle/joints/feet and get some "impact" in a less impacty way!