Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Every year my other family, my in-law side, rent condos on Navarre beach with some of their best friends and family. It is the very definition of vacation- we do nothing but hang out at the beach. By that, I mean we don't even go out to eat or go shopping. Every day we roll out of bed, go to the beach when we feel like it, and nap when we feel like it. There is no judgement if you decide to make your first gin and tonic at 10:00 am. Throughout the week, each family takes a turn making dinner for everyone, and it ends up being so much better than going out to eat and more relaxing. This is a do-nothing vacation.

My mornings start out great. For some reason, I cannot seem to get up before 9:00. I stumble into the kitchen and there is always good coffee and great breakfast waiting for me. If only life were like this at home!

Then I put on my bike gear. In the past four days, I have ridden 148 miles. It may not seem very vacation-like, but I am loving it. I don't have to go. I can go to the beach instead. But, every morning I look forward to getting on my bike and riding. If I stay on the beach, I ride straight into a headwind for 20 miles. I am also riding in complete heat since I can't seem to get moving before 11:00. The wind and heat have not been bothering me, though, and my bike and I are having so much fun riding for no reason.

I have NOT been running. Nope. I have only run 1 x since that CATS sprint, and it didn't feel good. So, I guess I am going on running sabbatical, again. No big deal. So, the running legs are on vacay too. A real vacay- they don't have to feel guilty for not working.

I did try to swim in the ocean yesterday. There have been shark sightings, so of course I freaked myself out. I made Dave paddleboard beside me while I tried to swim in the shallow, rolling waves. I did not get a workout, I just got nauseous. And Dave was bored, so that was that. He was also probably questioning his decision to marry me, as no other husband had to participate in any form of exercise that did not include biceps strengthening via beer can.

I usually head to the beach after my ride and pretend to study. I am not learning too much, though, and it may have been a little ambitious to think I would do some great studying on the beach. I finished one fun book called Stardust earlier this week, and I am trying not to pick another book up because then I really won't study!

Otherwise, life has been pretty uneventful on vacation. Dave has gone deep sea fishing and golfing. (I was not invited to fish because he said it was boy's trip. Then three other girls went and so you know I let him have it).

Let's see...what else have we been doing? We have watched LSU kick butt in the collegiate world series. We also played Jenga- and set a new record as we were able to stack the pieces until there were no weight bearing pieces left to remove. There is also a stupid puzzle on the table the we work on from time to time, but it is taking forever.

I am not allowed to publish beach pictures- Dave saw me post one and required immediate removal secondary to his complete whiteness.

And that is it! Vacay is slowing coming to a close, but I have another good day of nothingness left. I am tremendously missing Roo, Caya, and Presley, though. I had nightmares last night that something was trying to hurt my animals and I couldn't help them. I have complete mom guilt right now being away from them for so long. It is getting close to time to return home.


Samantha said...

I made Scott go run with me tonight. I think he was running z-4. wouldn't even mutter a word. haha...and he was a trooper and superspectathlete/professional stuff holder in that Boise thunderstorm on saturday. He must question why he's with me as well. haha.

Loren said...

Sounds like so much fun! The beach is my favorite place to be! When you get back we need to get together!

GoBigGreen said...

That sounds like a fantastic vacation. I love it when you dont look at your watch and just plan naps and cocktails and more naps ....enjoy.

Laura said...

Glad you guys are having such a great time, but you can't stay there forever. Memphis misses you! ;)

Joy said...

Fun fun! Glad you're enjoying your vaca!