Monday, June 29, 2009

Pissing Contests and Other Fun Stuff

There have been some fun things going on lately that needed a little shout out.  

This past weekend, I rode with Laura, Angie and Suzy.  Angie needed to do 4 hours, but since my #1 goal was to spend time with Dave over the weekend, I opted for the 2 hour plan.  Suzy, Laura, and I did one loop to cheer Angie on, and then left her out to dry and do her last loop alone.  Does it make us good friends that we did 1 loop with her or bad friends that we didn't do both?  I can't answer that one.  

At the end of our 1 loop, Suzy and I had what she calls a "pissing contest."  It is where you are not racing your friend, but you are not giving up any ground to her either.  Suzy and I were chugging up hills with our wheels trading off inches.  We both knew what was going on- the pissing contest- but neither of us said a word.  We just let the pace creep up and up until we got to the top of one hill and just started giggling and laughing.  I think Angie and Laura were like WTF are they doing?  I think it takes a special meeting of the minds to have fun little moments like that in a training ride where you are pushing each other and making it fun too.  Hilarious that we both knew what was going on but acted like nothing was going on.  Even funnier that we both can admit that we were engaged in a "pissing contest."  

My other fun moment is my new 50 yard PR that I just set at swim class.  The coach said I might even get fast if I learned any sort of technique, and he estimated I swam about 55 yards instead of 50.  I just ignored those comments- I mean, hey- technique, scmechnique.  Us non-swimmers don't even know what technique is.  Today he had us practice 12 x 25 underwater dolphin kicks (or whatever you call them, like I know) at 3 x our normal off of the wall amount.  I thought to myself- well if I normally do ZERO since I don't even know how to do them, then 3 x 0 = 0, right?  Hee hee ;)

Okay, okay.  Back to studying.  This was my mid-afternoon break for the day.  


Jan said...

the unspoken contest....those are the best!

Eileen Swanson said...

Damie, you girls sound like you had sooo much fun! I was just talking to one of my friends and we all wish everyone lived so much closer. Move to CA ;-) How are the pups? Belle says hi to them ;-)