Friday, May 15, 2009

I Did It- Student No More

I don't know where to begin with this post. Condensing the past three years and all of my feelings that have swirled around in that time seems daunting- and impossible. The past three years have been the hardest so far in my life. I was 30ish and being treated like I was 18. I was a woman that had a professional career that was now reduced to a dependent student. I was told that I could not have a life outside of PT school- if I continued to do triathlons and work an extra job, I was not dedicated to school. I was told I could not do Ironman because they did not endorse extra-curricular activities.

I knew I was in trouble my first semester. I was unhappy. Uh-oh...I had three years of this. I remember emailing my friend Brian asking for advice. I remember calling my dad in the middle of a lab, crying because everything was going oh so wrong. I remember feeling depressed at times.

It was never the physical therapy aspect- I was genuinely excited to be a physical therapist, and I knew I had chosen the right profession this time. It was my new environment. I really didn't fit in- didn't like it. My life goals were inconsistent with those around me. I wanted to be a PT, but I wanted to see my husband, train with my friends, and have other meaningful experiences besides school. I wanted a balanced life.

All of that is behind me now. Water under the bridge. Sayanora!

Three cheers for me because I just finished my very last day of clinical rotation as a student physical therapist! In two weeks I will receive my doctorate. Nothing worth having comes easy.

Guess what I did to celebrate today? I went for my first pain free run- in 60 days!!! Now, granted it was a run walk- few minutes on, few minutes off. Grandma's were running faster than me. But still, I was running in celebration. (okay, I am still not cleared to really start training to run again, but getting through a few steps pain free is a good way to start).

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has offered kind comments through the tough times. Thank you to my friends in Memphis- I could not have survived without you. Thank you to Mira, my friend who has been through it and come out alive. Of course thank you to my family and Dave- for believing in me and never letting me give up.

No more school! 31 and 3 degrees is enough. I quit!!!!


Jan said...

i'm so happy for you, dr. damie!!!!

kerrie said...

yay! congratulations!!! that is huge. and also, congrats on perservering and doing it on your own terms!
CHEERS to your new future :)

GoBigGreen said...

Congrats:) I too recall feeling really out of it the first year bc, like you, I had a life and wasnt just continuing my 3/3 track from undergrad.
So glad you stuck to it. And now on to life and healthy running! Woohoo!

Mary Eggers said...

so awesome sister! I always worry when teachers try to force their students to have NO BALANCE! Way to lead by example sista!

Marit C-L said...

Congratulations Damie!!! This is awesome - you are incredible. Yes, that's a tough thing to balance school, work, training, LIFE, friends, family, etc. But you proved that it CAN be done! Bravo!!!

Lee said...

Jeezzz guess this means I'm going to have to start showing you some respect. ;-)....which you so rightly deserve. Way to go Dame!! You earned it.

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Yeahy! Welocme back to having a life! Congratulations! I had no doubt you'd get through it. Now you can sit back and wonder how you did it all. Let me know if you need any help with that darn board exam. One more hurdle. You'll get over it with ease!

Laura said...

Way to go Dr. Damie!!!!

moremittenz said...
