Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday 4 Miler

I had two goals today for my 4-miler...well, three, I guess.

1. Suffer. Just be okay getting faster. No panicking, no guessing what speed I can maintain, just run hard. It is such a Jen Harrison thing to say, but seriously, just suffer- get used to suffering again. (by the way, an Ironman is NOT suffering, it is fun. So it seems like forever since I have endured suffering.)

2. No Garmin. I have never used a Garmin until this year, and I basically got it because I was having to run different paces and zones for IM training and thought it would help. And, while it is cool, I have lost some of my own internal ability to pace myself. Well, let me clarify. If you told me to go run a dozen miles at a 9 minute pace, I could do that no problem..on the dot. It is the faster paces that have eluded my internal GPS. In the past, if I said- hey, I will hit this first mile at 6:50, I would hit it 6:50 on the dot. No Garmin. Today I decided I could only use my watch and start relearning my body again. I had to feel the pace today and be comfortable not knowing for sure if I was on track.

3. This wasn't a real goal, but it was in the back of my mind to be faster for this race this year than I was in 2007. In 2007, this was my first race back after I broke a bone in my foot by jumping off a platform from which I had no business jumping. So, I was stuck in a boot for some time and lost a lot of fitness. I remember being so out of shape the race was soooooo hard for me. I could barely even trot. I can't even describe how hard it was for me to run this race that year. So, I thought before the start of this year's race, I better be further along than that! After all, I have not been in a boot! (In 2007, I PRed in a ton of distances, it was a great racing summer. So, if I could start this year ahead of where I was that year, well who knows where I could end up this summer!)

Met all 3 goals, mostly. I guess they aren't really quantifiable, but in my mind I met them.
1. I did suffer more...I was willing to suffer more. I went out faster and didn't back down mile 2 when I saw I was faster. I ran the 2nd mile just as fast. Now, I definitely lost time on the 3rd mile, but that was okay- I went out hard and didn't stay content. I also didn't freak out, wondering if I could hold the pace. I just ran. (okay, and the 4th mile was slow too, but not as slow as the 3rd, so I didn't completely die.)

2. No Garmin. And I like it better that way. It felt more like the old me that knew what the pace was. Well, felt that way, except I didn't know where I was, but I am getting there. Some more race practice and this stuff will almost feel natural again. Pretty soon I think I will know exactly what pace I can hold out there- and how to push past that.

3. 2 minutes faster than the broken foot year/good running year. So, maybe that means by the warmer season running, I will be back to where I want to be, or even further ahead! It was not close to my 4 mile PR, but I was really pleased that I am in a place now where some focus on speedwork and some more racing will get me right where I want to be. The time wasn't great, but the process of today was. It is all starting to make sense to my body and my mind now.

I think things are getting ready to get really good. I can feel it in my body :) It is starting to respond physically and mentally again for me.

Oh, and I am getting ready to go kick everyone's butt in bowling tonight (real bowling). Well, at least I am talking a big game. As the Wii champ, I have a lot to live up to- me and my 8 lb ball. Ha ha!!!

Will post some race pics and my championship bowling debut pics as soon as I have them.


Jennifer Harrison said...

Oh yeah baby!!! You know you rock , Damie! :). Nice work!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job! Way to gut it out. I am learning to suffer more this year as well. Man is it tough! I have learned that trail races are a totally different kind of pain than road races!

Laura said...

Great job Damie! Glad to hear things are coming along.