Friday, January 9, 2009

Pop Pop

Sorry for the delay in posting. Those of you on facebook might know my Pop Pop (grandpa on my dad's side) had a stroke this week. Thank you for all of the kind posts, notes, and phone calls. I was more stressed than I realized. I am definitely dealing with all of this through humor- it helps me just roll with the flow.

I just got back from seeing him in the ICU in Hot Springs. He is still not talking and has an ng-tube in his nose right now for food and medicine, along with the IVs, cath, etc... He can move the left side of his body some, but his right side is not moving. You know the classic stroke- dysphagia, aphasia, hemiplegia, you name it. He has opened his eyes some, and I think he rolled them at me a couple of times, ha ha!

My Pop Pop has lived alone for a number of years, and he is my last living grandparent. He lives in Hot Springs with some contact with friends and family, but mostly he is an old turkey that likes to do his own thing like driving his boat even though I know he can't see 2 feet in front of him. The problem is, when he had his stroke (probably Monday), no one found him until Wednesday. Big problem. So, on top of the stroke, he was lying in one position, immobile for over 40 hours- think of the circulatory and organ issues with that one. I am sure he was pissed- and scared. It really hurts us (his family members) to know that he had to lie there all of the time.

So, I said lots of things to him when I saw him last night like this
- Pop Pop, if you wanted me to visit, all you had to do was call.
-Well, now you can be my experiment for my PT rehab skills
- Um, I didn't forget that you forgot to call me back a couple of weeks ago.
-Pop Pop, my right knee has been hurting.

Pop Pop tells me I am a spoiled brat all of the time- a smart ass too. I think it is genetic, from his side of course. I am sure he doesn't want me feeling sorry for him- the man was in WWII, I mean, come on. Plus, his motto is- "Life is tough all over." So, I hope I get to visit him again in the next couple of weeks with him in a better state. We can have some verbal banter back and forth- and I know he really loves me and I am one of his favorite brats. Maybe I can force him into cooperating with some PNF patterns, too. ...... well, I doubt that one. Pop Pop may have had a stroke, but sure isn't going to take orders from me!

And, if he is not in a better state, I hope I can be the best supportive granddaughter that I can be.
These are the Turpin guys from L to R: Nick Turpin (my cuz), Joe Turpin (my uncle), Guy "Pop Pop" Turpin (my grandpa) and Jim Turpin (my dad- or papa). Arkansas born and raised. ha ha!


Jennifer Harrison said...

thinking of you and your pop pop....I HOPE he is ok. Will be thinking of you both. xo

Jan said...

i bet your pop pop was so excited to see you! i'm glad that you got to visit. praying for you and your family and please keep us updated on his progress.