Friday, January 30, 2009

Bike Night!

If guys want to have a bunch of cute girls hang out at their pad on a random Thursday night, I suggest they offer bike mechanic services. In return for bike services, you may have 3 super cute (although a little gross from running) girls not only come over but also bring you dinner and beer. Conversations about saddlebacking (ewww!!!!) are optional.

(More pictures to come soon of my projects :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Into the work force, that is.  I am pretty much back in career mode- sans paycheck.  Working for free- I sure do love it!  Actually, I pay to work.  I hand over a handsome sum to UT so I can work from 7-5 for free.  It is a sweet deal :)  Anyways, I am relearning how to work- the loss of flexibility, the meager amount of time left in the day to do anything after work, the tired legs and back, the coming early- missing some lunch- and staying late.  Yes, it has all come back to me.  

I have a feeling most of you think I have never worked before.  I do have the reputation as a career student, but this is actually the first time since I first graduated from college that I have not had a full time job.  When I was first in grad school, I worked as a special education teacher. Yep, work at class by 4:15-7:30...sleep, and do it all over again.  Dave was still trying to finish up college in Mobile, so I didn't have too many distractions.  After graduation, I had my master's in counseling in hand and worked one year before deciding- hey, I want to be a physical therapist.  So, I started taking night classes, again.  Full time counselor by day, student again by night.  I did this until I had all of my prerequisites.

From there it was UT Physical Therapy school- full time school 8-5.  But, there were some perks- like the occasional 3 hour break in the middle of the day so I could run.  The longgggg holiday vacations.  The all-nighters studying for neuro....just kidding, that sucked.  

But, I am here to say that although work can stink sometimes, being a very broke, in debt student stinks more.  I am welcoming the shrinking 401ks, the micro management, and the loss of workout time with open arms.  Okay, that is too dramatic.  No open arms, but I am ready to be a career girl again.    

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I have not fallen into a bourbon oblivion :)  I have been really busy with clinical rotations, though, so I have not been my usual persistent blogging self.  

I do have to sadly tell you all that my pop pop (grandpa) did pass away this past Wednesday.  On Tuesday, we had the tough decision as a family to decide on removing the ng-tube and other medical issues.  It is really hard to find just the right answer in choosing medical care for a loved one as well as balancing the quality of life issue.  Hence, the bourbon night.    

That same night I had a dream that my Pop Pop starting talking to me.  (I have lots of vivid dreams, and I often predict events, answer questions, talk to people, etc... in my dreams- kinda weird).  Anyways, I asked Pop Pop if we were doing the right thing- that I wanted to make sure we were doing what he would want, and since I had him talking, I needed the answer.  The dream was so real.  

On Wednesday they removed the tube and moved him to hospice.  I am happy to say that he took his last breath with his sons surrounding him and talking to him.  Of course my dad is sad- it has been hard on him.  And, what is hard on him is hard on me.  I don't want to belabor on this topic- we have all lost loved ones, and it is natural for us to see our grandparents pass away.  The funeral is Monday, and I am doing okay.  :)      

I hope everyone is having a great weekend- as always, thank you to my friends for their support.    

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What Keeps Me Swimming

At 5:30 in the morning... sigh.  It gets a little easier, kind of.  A small fraction of a percent easier.  

The morning swim goes something like this.  
Alarm 4:50- snooze.  
Alarm 4:55- snooze.  
Dave- you must get out of bed now and go swim.  
Me- I don't want to, you can't make me!  
Dave- you will regret it if you don't.  Get up.  
Me- Fine!  (pout).  Stumble to the bathroom and throw on sweats if it is cold or just keep my PJs on.  Let the dogs out.  Feed them.  Sometimes make tea.  Start car.  Stare at the yellow line.  Arrive at the pool.  Ask myself...why?  

This morning Joy showed up on time (not to call her out or anything...:).  So, we stumbled to our lane together.  Everyone else is already cheerily warming up.  I am busy telling her about my dream last night.  (It was really weird, Elizabeth scheduled Joy a 190 mile hike and Joy came back to me crying with super blonde monochromatic hair.  That is a synopsis).  We sit on the edge of the pool together.  We slowly put on our cap and goggles.  Warm up is almost over and we just stare at each other- who is getting in first?  

We do actually swim once we get in.  In some ways it is pathetic, but we are always good about holding the intervals- for some reason it is the one thing in class we try to do right.  It is that kind of thing that we both instinctively agree upon- the intervals must be upheld.  I don't know that this has ever been verbalized, it is just understood.         

This morning really sums up why I swim.  With the final set over, it is time to cool down.  Joy looks at me and I at her.  "Are you going to cool down?  Nope, you?  Nope.  Wanna go get coffee?  Uh huh."  

Coach Rob asked me last week if I was having fun swimming.  I thought he meant at 5:30am, and it seemed like a trick question to me.  The answer is yes, I have fun swimming.  There are several reasons why I have fun, but this morning it was because I get to swim with my friends.   

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Semester Approaching!

First,  I have to give it up to myself for completing a tempo run on the treadmill yesterday.  I am completely in awe of those of you that can do workouts on the treadmill.  I, for one, pretty much hate the treadmill.  It sucks the joy out of running for me.  But, when I had a tempo run staring me in the face and a decision between the treadmill or 20 degree weather and wind, I thought, hey...just try it.  Come on, Damie, toughen up!  3 x 10 minutes tempo pace with 2 min jog in between.  I guess the good thing about the treadmill is that you either hold the pace or you don't.  Well, I held the pace and did the whole thing...big step for me.  

Tempo runs are hard for me, period, treadmill or not.  Before garmins and g-map, I just ran at whatever pace I wanted to run, and when I went to track I would run hard.  Forget tempo, what fun is there in that?  (According to , I completely fall into the endurance runner corner by choosing to almost always go long and easy over fast, short, and sweet).  But, when I  saw coach Paul (everyone's running coach here in Memphis) today I completely bragged about my tempo run on the treadmill. 

Other than that, here is what is going on my house.  There is a new and LAST semester approaching.  After May, my life will no longer be on semesters.  In the meantime, this is how we handle a new semester around here:

Shower Study Time- 

Now this is a fun sight- the shower wall covered in notes :) You are looking at some study notes on the shoulder- special tests, muscle movements, etc.... Don't make fun! I did this in high school when we had a French quiz every single day. Between soccer and everything else, I had to maximize my study time. So, French got 10 minutes in the shower. Latin got time in the car ride to school with Cher-Cher. Time management- gotta get creative. 

New Hair Cut-

My hair is actually a little shorter than it looks in this pic- I didn't realize I was leaning forward.  Anyways, new semester, new hair.  I didn't mean  to go this short yet, but the more the stylist and I gabbed, the shorter the hair got.   

Dehydrated Fruit-

One of my best Christmas gifts was the fruit dehydrator.  Bekah wanted some cherries for a recipe, so I did bananas, mango, and cherries today.  Bananas are my fave, and I actually love the dried apples too.  Store bought dried fruits with the preservatives and added sugars taste so yucky compared to natural dried fruit.  Now I will have some healthy snacks for my first week of the semester.    

Oh, and a new phone!  Well, new to me.  Gilmourgirl was kind enough to give me one of her old phones after I managed to submerge my phone in a sink full of water, and not notice for hours.  Laura has lots of friends, by the way.  I am slowly going through and erasing the hundreds of people I don't know.  Laura, I also erased your text messages-I promise I didn't peek.  :)

Happy Friday to all!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh Cayenne

A familiar sight has been awaiting me lately when I return home from swim. I normally do not get a chance to come home after practice, but since I am home this week, Dave has left the dogs in the house until I get here to let them out. After all, it has been chilly around here. It seems that I have posted several pictures much like the ones I am posting today.

Roo is at the backdoor, waiting for me to throw him a ball. Cayenne is snuggled in her bed, pieces of paper leading like a bread crumb trail to the culprit.

And I know this is all Cayenne. Roo was never a big chewer. I think I lost one shoe to him, and then he was over it. He never even liked rawhides or bones.

Cayenne actually ate through the duct tape on the phone book that I use under the front wheel of my trainer. For the first time I started to get a little scared. Is my bike next? The pedals...the tires?

We have already had our first field trip today- straight to PetCo for several bones and more chew toys.

Look at these puppies, though! Look at Caya's legs crossed over Roo's. They are such lovers. They are just sitting there watching me on the computer, waiting until I am ready to play.

PS: My dwarf name is not Squirmy...that is Rooney's name. I am starting to think that Cayenne's should not be should be Chewy or something like that.

Monday, January 12, 2009


My friends are seriously cracking me up.  I love you all so much.  Don't take me too literally! Or even better, I will stop whining so much.  My mom called me last night (I guess she reads my blog from time to time) and said she was worried about me.  She also said she didn't know I had a race this weekend, and I was thinking, what race? Oh...the, that isn't a race, it is just a 5k.  Huge difference.  Ha ha!!!  Not to mention, who in the hell is running 5ks right now? Not the smart people.  Okay, point taken mom.  I will stop whining so much on the blog.  I will just whine to Dave!  Ha ha!!!!  I think he will point out that whining was not written into our vows- we did write our own vows, and I missed my chance to include a lot of things.  

I did receive a new nickname last night.  I am not allowed to put it on the blog because Dave would not give me permission.  We never seem to fall right asleep at night because we are always finding something to laugh at.  Last night Dave and I gave each other Indian (Native American to the PC) names before going to bed.  Mine was so funny that I couldn't fall asleep for another hour.  Every time I thought of it I started to laugh.  So, we kept each other up giggling over something so dumb.  That is why I am always tired at swim practice. 

We also gave Cayenne her official dwarf nickname last night.  So far in the family we have Stinky, Snotty, Squirmy, and Scratchy.  Now Cayenne gets to be Smelly.  Guess which one I am?

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Another Sunday- 12 miles on the trails.  I ran 30 miles again this week, and it is probably time to up the weekly mileage a little for next week.  My run was an up and down one today- my knees were handling the downhills much better, but my emotions weren't completely on track.  

I thought about my 5k yesterday.  A girl in a skort beat me.  The course was long by about 25-30 seconds or so, the temperature suddenly dropped in the very gray afternoon, and the flags were horizontal due to the horrendous head winds downtown.  It was not a good day to run a 5k.  I was hoping to see some continuing improvement in my running.  After all, I have done my speedwork and have been honest with the intervals.  Mile 1 was fine, and I actually probably went out a little too slow.  But, after seeing all of the people go crazy in the first mile, I really tried to make sure I didn't go out to fast, and I passed a good handful of people at the mile 1 marker.  At about mile 1.5ish, we turned up the hill and into the wind.  I realize there is a girl ahead of me that is wearing shorts over tights (come to find out it was a skort) and I was gaining on her.  But then I wasn't.  It was all I could do to fight the wind.  I got to Riverside Drive, my favorite street for hammering the pace, but I couldn't hammer.  I just put my head down and tried to keep moving forward.  When I realized not only would I not be faster, but I was significantly slower, I tried to stay positive and work on anything- anything at all.  Light on my feet.  Keep the arm swing cadence going.  Anything.  The 3.1 beep went off way before the finish line, and then forever later I was done.  And I noticed that the shorts/tights combo was actually a skort/tights combo, and I could have at least made it a race if I ran even close to what I ran a month ago.  And a year ago she would not have even been close to me.  As it was, though, I had a new PW in hand for 2009.  At least I got a tempo run in, because that is really what the 5k turned out to be for me.  Sweet.  

Thank goodness for Joy, snuggled in her warm car around the corner.  Being the friend that she is, she thought she would pick me up post race for some coffee.  So, Saturday evening coffee club it was.  I begged her to please figure out what I need to do to get my running back.  We talked about our goals for the upcoming season.  And we even talked about breeding-don't ask.  

So, today on my long run I felt mostly frustrated.  I am frustrated my body isn't responding.  I am frustrated that despite doing everything I was asked to do last year, I got slower.  Thank goodness I had a good first Ironman, the redeeming result in a year of poor ones.  I refuse to let 2009 be the same.  In 2007, I knew when I raced that my race would be a good one- at least the best that I could offer.  2008, I never knew what the day would bring when I stepped up to the line.  

I was feeling mighty sorry for myself on my long run.  I am a pathetic runner.  My grandfather is back in the ICU on a ventilator.  So, now I am an old, "never was" runner about to lose her grandfather.  Around mile 9 it turned into- I am an old, pathetic runner about to lose her grandfather that still doesn't have kids and hasn't graduated from school.  It just kept getting worse.  

But then- Panama came on.  You know, Van Halen?  The song you hear at the starting line of Ironman Florida?  If you didn't notice, you really missed out, because it is really awesome getting ready to swim 2.4 miles in the ocean with Panama blaring into your ears.  I immediately felt better.  I finished an Ironman this year- what an accomplishment.  And you know those other goals?  I am going to get there too.  And NO, I am not waiting until I am older to qualify for Boston because the time is easier.  I am not copping out or giving up on my goals.  And, the only person that needs to believe that I can do it is ME.  

Why stop at Panama?  I let it roll over to Poundcake, another awesome Van Halen song.  I looked down at my garmin and realized that I was just a little quicker than my usual very slow pace on the trails.  Things aren't so bad after all.  I got home and cried a little bit in the shower over Pop Pop.  I know the realism of death and I have a lot of acceptance of the situation, (and who knows what will happen in the next week).  I think it would go against nature if a grandkid didn't cry over her Pop Pop, though.         

Out of the shower- I asked Dave.  Is this it?  Am I done as an athlete?  Have I really reached my potential somewhere in the past?  He laughed and said not even close.  He has been trained well, don't you think? :)   

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pop Pop

Sorry for the delay in posting. Those of you on facebook might know my Pop Pop (grandpa on my dad's side) had a stroke this week. Thank you for all of the kind posts, notes, and phone calls. I was more stressed than I realized. I am definitely dealing with all of this through humor- it helps me just roll with the flow.

I just got back from seeing him in the ICU in Hot Springs. He is still not talking and has an ng-tube in his nose right now for food and medicine, along with the IVs, cath, etc... He can move the left side of his body some, but his right side is not moving. You know the classic stroke- dysphagia, aphasia, hemiplegia, you name it. He has opened his eyes some, and I think he rolled them at me a couple of times, ha ha!

My Pop Pop has lived alone for a number of years, and he is my last living grandparent. He lives in Hot Springs with some contact with friends and family, but mostly he is an old turkey that likes to do his own thing like driving his boat even though I know he can't see 2 feet in front of him. The problem is, when he had his stroke (probably Monday), no one found him until Wednesday. Big problem. So, on top of the stroke, he was lying in one position, immobile for over 40 hours- think of the circulatory and organ issues with that one. I am sure he was pissed- and scared. It really hurts us (his family members) to know that he had to lie there all of the time.

So, I said lots of things to him when I saw him last night like this
- Pop Pop, if you wanted me to visit, all you had to do was call.
-Well, now you can be my experiment for my PT rehab skills
- Um, I didn't forget that you forgot to call me back a couple of weeks ago.
-Pop Pop, my right knee has been hurting.

Pop Pop tells me I am a spoiled brat all of the time- a smart ass too. I think it is genetic, from his side of course. I am sure he doesn't want me feeling sorry for him- the man was in WWII, I mean, come on. Plus, his motto is- "Life is tough all over." So, I hope I get to visit him again in the next couple of weeks with him in a better state. We can have some verbal banter back and forth- and I know he really loves me and I am one of his favorite brats. Maybe I can force him into cooperating with some PNF patterns, too. ...... well, I doubt that one. Pop Pop may have had a stroke, but sure isn't going to take orders from me!

And, if he is not in a better state, I hope I can be the best supportive granddaughter that I can be.
These are the Turpin guys from L to R: Nick Turpin (my cuz), Joe Turpin (my uncle), Guy "Pop Pop" Turpin (my grandpa) and Jim Turpin (my dad- or papa). Arkansas born and raised. ha ha!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to the Basics

Monday night I played in my first soccer game in a long time. Let me least 6 months since a game, and even before then I would show up either 1. exhausted because I just did something like bike 80 miles or run 15 miles, 2. exhausted just thinking about adding in one more "workout" 3. or not wanting to play hard because I had some Ironman workout left to do that day. And, before all of the Ironman training, I was dealing with the broken bone in the foot issue, and soccer with all of the cleats and cutting just didn't seem to help that poor little sesamoid. For the first time in over 23 years, soccer was just not fun.

But, Monday was fantastic! It is cold and rainy here in Memphis, so this was an indoor game. If you have never played indoor, it is a little different. You sub (or should sub) often. If you are not wanting off of the field withing 5 minutes, you aren't playing hard enough. I was loving it! All of the sprinting- shifting- jumping. I felt like the fittest out of shape athlete in the world, if there is such a thing. My chest hurt from the sprinting- I mean that deep hurt where you can't catch your breath- I mean your heart hurts. It is not the same as a track workout. Indoor soccer sprints are 15-20 yards, but they hurt because they don't stop and they are full out, and whether you get the ball or not, there is no rest. I had sweat pouring off of me at the end of the game.

It was brilliant!

Now I know where my speed has gone. I left it somewhere on the soccer field- months, almost even years ago when I stopped playing so much. It was like I had walked back into the missing link in my life when I walked onto the field last night. My body was so happy to be playing again. And I had to swim on my own today because I was too exhausted to wake up this morning for master's. ha!

Okay, but I have to say it was weird when I signed up on the roster and saw that my birthday was the only one that was a 197x as opposed to a 198x or even 199x! When did I become the old woman on the team?

So, for the next 8 weeks, Monday night is indoor soccer night. It is keeping up with the young girls, risking injury to every part of my body, and enjoying every moment that I cannot breathe night.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Go Run Some Trails!

I think the flash on the camera makes the puppies look like demon-dogs.  :)  The dogs are doing great, by the way.  Roo is still the biggest lover ever.  Cayenne is still going through her "I love to dig through the trash and chew on paper" stage.  This morning I heard her chomping on something while I was in bed, and it turned out to be the concert benefit for Nola DVD that Dave just bought last night.  She was trying to be so quiet about it too...all snuggled in her bed.  She is still our number 1 messy puppy, but her friendliness is unrivaled.  

Today I had a nice run on the Yellow Trail with my brand new Camelbak (courtesy of Dave and Christmas).  This was after a nice late wake-up with Dave and a hearty breakfast at Brother Junipers.  Gotta love Sundays.  

The trail was nice and soft, and the Wolf River was rolling quietly beside me.  Even though it was raining outside, the tree cover was perfect and the trail was not sloppy.  My knees felt great, which is a huge bonus to me.  I think of the analogy of a golf ball when it bounces on pavement, and then when it bounces on dirt and grass.  The same applies to my knees.  But, even though I am pretty conscientious of keeping my knees healthy through strength training (VMO and glut meds, etc...) I know I need to redouble my efforts.  Anyways, the trails are the perfect place to work hard and protect your body  (until you trip and fall).  :)  

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with the work I need to do to reach my goals.  Other times I am loving it and feel completely confident.  When I do start to feel like goals are out of reach, I think about those times where I had success in a race or even exceeded expectations.  Last night I pulled out some old training logs and looked through them- and right there in front of me, yes, concrete proof that my goals are attainable.  :)  (That is why I love to keep training logs- they serve as a great reminder of where you have been and where you can go!)    I am getting so excited for tri season again!  I certainly enjoy this time of year where you slowly start to gear up for that first race.  It is hard to know if you will meet your own expectations, but it is exciting too!  

Now it is time for me to go kick Dave's butt in Wii bowling, again.  Last time I bowled a 289.  I need Jan to get home because Dave is no longer a challenge.  :)    

The all too common site at our home- the strong dog competition.  Thanks Laura and Latte, I think the dogs like their presents.  :)

Oh, hear we go again!  Five minutes later- same game, different toy (a dead chicken toy).  To live in my house, apparently you have to be 100% committed to practice. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Starting the New Year

Getting back to some training has been fun! Since Monday, I have managed 4 swims, 2 bikes, 1 track workout, 1 tempo run, and 1 baby brick. Today I have a nice, fun, slow run with Roo and tomorrow I get to run long and try out the CamelBak that Dave gave to me for Christmas.

The running is coming along nicely (with the exception of my knees that feel as though they belong to a 60 year old, or a person that has spent over 20 years in cleats). It is not that I am near where I want to be, but I am proud to be working in that direction. I stuck to my track workout and hit it right on. I even did a tempo run, something that has alluded me for years. I have had trouble in the past getting my head around hard running when I am not racing. I am slowly learning how/when/why. I am losing some of the gray area in my running and replacing it with more meaningful workouts. And, to reward myself for the difficult running, I get to do fun runs like today with Roo.

The swimming is still beyond me. I don't understand how I can do the same workout 3 weeks later and be 20 seconds per 500 slower (I can hear Kert now "it is because 3-4x a week is not enough!". Some days in the pool I am faster, and some days I am slower. I count myself lucky that I like to swim, otherwise I would have no motivation to get in the pool if I had to count on the clock giving me some positive reinforcement.

And the bike- whoa. I am glad to be getting on it, but it is not easy! This week I have ridden with Brian, Alyson, Maggi, and Casey. I should be embarrassed to say that I am the one they had to wait on time and time again, but I think I have lost all shame. (Is being the slow person on the bike a recurring theme in my blog posts?)

I am certainly a work in progress in all areas :) And, thank goodness I completely understand that this is the beginning of JANUARY- no need to worry- at least that is what I tell myself.

Did I mention I am playing my first soccer game Monday after a nice hiatus? I decided that I will reserve one day a week for 2009 for soccer games- NO training on that day (except for swimming). It will be my life apart from triathlon.

Okay, sorry for the boring training post. I swear I have a million things to write about right now, especially concerning friendship and some other topics that have been heavy on my mind. I'll save it for another time.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year 2009

I have never really made New Year's resolutions. The years all kind of blend in to me in one big continuum- almost 31 of them now. So, I am thinking about 2008- where I have been, and where I want to go. Actually, I guess I have been thinking about these things for the past 2 months. I just started to write this long, boring post with all of the things from 2008 followed by what I want to make happen in 2009. Fortunately for everyone I have Brad Pitt and Legends of the Fall waiting for me in bed (not in my bed, on the TV), so I really don't have enough time to write a fantastic review of the year.

I would just like to thank all of my good friends that have supported me this year- through the stress of school to the joy of finishing my first Ironman. I am especially happy that I was able to spend another year close to my family, and I want to send best wishes to my newly engaged sister. And finally, I am thankful for every day that I spend with my husband David- we have been together for 10 years, and they just keep getting better.