Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Soccer and Unrelated Injuries

How else to title this post?

I am finally ready to return to soccer. I took the fall season completely off from the sport because I didn't want any injuries before Ironman. Truthfully, though, I hadn't been playing much before that in the past two years. I am generally a perfect attendee in soccer. I will skip just about anything to make the games, and I even get upset when it storms and I can't play. However, I found myself missing more and more games the past 2 years. I was always exhausted...always fighting the knee or foot injury. I may have been on the field, but I wasn't always enjoying it. So, I slowly came to the conclusion that I needed time off to heal, rest, and rethink my role on the field.

But, now I am ready to come back. I wasn't sure if there would even be a spot for me on my team anymore, but I have been assured that I am wanted and needed out there- that they would love it if I would play again. It is good to know my teammates have missed me and want me back. And really, I just love women's soccer. I love my teams- I love my girls.

This is one of my old teams in New Orleans, Calypso. Funny, but I hardly have any soccer pictures because I didn't have a digital camera in college or New Orleans. I will do better this year with getting soccer pics. I am second from the left on bottom. One of my great friends and fellow triathlete, Cindy, is 4th from left bottom. We must've just played a game because we are looking a little rough in this pic.

On and unrelated note, I had to drag my butt out of bed this morning to swim. I am finally ready to get in the pool when I reach up to put my swim cap on and BAM! The worst pain ever- well, at least a 9/10. I was frozen. I couldn't move my head or neck, and I honestly thought I may have a thrown a clot. (I know I am young, but I think all kinds of things). I tried to work it out- got in the pool with tears in my eyes and then got out since I couldn't even bend my neck forward or rotate it. Nothing helped- not the hot tub, not any self applied manual techniques, no slide or glides of my vertebrae, nothing. My morning was a complete wash. So, I am okay now, but I still can hardly move and have maybe 4/10 pain. My best guess is a pinched cervical nerve. I think in all honesty my neck will never be the same after that car wreck. Who hurts themselves by flexing their shoulders 90 degrees to put on a swim cap?


Mel said...

You look like a little peanut on the team:) Oh how fun it would be to be able relive some of my youthful days....grrrr I am getting old:) I am excited to hear about you kicking butt at soccer!!!

Jan said...

oh damie, you be careful!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Dang, girl, how did you do that? Do you have access to any cervical traction? Give it some time, I'm sure it'll ease up. Now I'm convinced that post-IM you can injure yourself in the strangest ways. Remember I said I hurt my left hip napping on the couch a week after KY? Be careful! See you Friday or Saturday or both!