Friday, November 7, 2008

Week One Post Ironman

is so boring. I am such a movement oriented person, just being and not doing has been hard on me this week. And, heaven forbid I had enough time to mop the house today. Yuck! Someone give me a training plan, quick! I don't want Dave to start to take advantage of my extra hours :)

I am recovering really well. I didn't have much soreness at all after the IM, and I am so eager to work out. I have taken the whole week off- the longest time I have ever gone in probably 15 years without some sort of exercise or sports. Tomorrow I am breaking the seal and heading to swim practice- and Sam will be going up to the pool too so I will get to see my buddy. Believe it or not, I am eager to get back on the bike and head out for a run! I am still contemplating my goals- what do I really want to do next? I have a few things in mind...

Nancy, Damie, and Joy- We couldn't quite make it up the stairs without sitting down to rest and pow wow. What is wrong with this picture? It wasn't taken Saturday after the race, it was taken pre-race, post-expo shopping! ha ha! Shopping wore us out!

Mostly right now I am missing my friends. Since there is no training going on, our daily conversations and crazy emails have ceased. I think about doing drastic things like immediately signing up for another ironman so my friends don't forget about me, but then I come to my senses. Life sure is boring without my training partners. Hopefully I will see everyone soon at the Second Annual Turkey Extravaganza hosted by our own Laura. I really feel lucky that we have such a great tri-girls community here in Memphis.

I also feel honored to tell everyone that my ironman has inspired Dave to go to the gym AND go on a run this week. My mom also reported that she hit the gym too, and I think that is great. Movement is so important to our health.

That is all that is happening here on the home front. Dave and I were given tickets to a very nice wine tasting event, so I am heading out for a night full of good, flirty wine!


Joy said...

I am feeling the same way, not sure what to do with myself, except sleep. I guess i COULD clean my apartment... I miss you guys too! It's been less than a week since I've seen you, but it seems like forever. Let's go train for something! Or do P90X!

Jennifer Harrison said...

I LOVE that picture of you at the top of your blog. I am going to make that my desktop wallpaper.
I am not joking!
Jen H. :)


Mary Eggers said...

Way to go sister! I will post those exercises this week!!!

WOO HOO! Enjoy your rest Ironman!

Laura said...

Oooooh, yes, P90X sessions. My house or yours?