Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Post Ironman Thoughts

My hubby and my mom spectating at Ironman Florida.

Yes, so the adrenaline has worn off- for 3 days I was sky high, but now.... So, what to do next? Another IM (yes!). Marathons (yes!) Short stuff (yes!). Life is too short for my long list of to do's! Okay, but I have been instructed to take this week to really think about my goals for next season. So, no decisions just yet.

I have decided to spare the blog world of a mile by mile race report. I figured you guys got the point with my last post that I had tons of fun and hit my goals. The hard part after any race is looking back and saying- could I have done this better? Well, yes and no. I have no doubt that with my new experience I could make some more aggressive goals for the next race and push myself harder. But, I would not change the way I executed my plan this past Saturday- I think it was spot on.

Speaking of, I did not come up with my 350 cal, zone 2, yada yada plan all by myself. I am proud of myself for being the executor of such a great plan, but my inspiration really came from Coach Jen Harrison. She has been my mentor for the past year- helping me undo my bad habits and approach racing differently. I came to her as a burned out, plateaued athlete destined to continue doing what I had always done. I am now growing into a more rounded athlete that can work consistently, push harder, and take charge of my mental outlook.

Jen helped me get to the starting line injury free with clear, appropriate, respectable goals. She always extended the opportunities for me to challenge myself and gave me permission to be competitive. This is something we are still working to develop- bringing out the healthy competitor and not hiding in races. I am still learning what makes me tick as an athlete.

For the past couple of years I viewed myself as a runner. I did what I needed to do to swim, rode once or twice a week on the bike, and then ran like hell. So when Jen yanked my running back for IM training, I freaked. I can't tell you how many emails I sent to her complaining about my running times that were slowing- and, she patiently answered them all and told me to pull my big girl panties up. I felt for sure I couldn't be in shape and I lost sight of my goal from time to time.
Me around mile 22ish? Wow, look at that salt on my shorts!

As I ran the marathon in Florida, I laughed to myself thinking how that dern Jen Harrison was right. She told me I would run the whole marathon, and I did. Yanking my miles back on my burned out ass and teaching me to be able to ride and run off of the bike was just what I needed. She saw the big picture, and I only saw that my 10k time was slower. And, let me tell you- I probably passed 200 people on that run who have faster 10k times than I do.

So, a huge thanks to Jen Harrison for keeping me in line, seeing the big picture, and putting up with my crap. Thank you for a great plan that let me reach my goal.


Anonymous said...

Break out the chocalate or anti deprsesant of your choice you are about to get the ironman post blues depression....will last about a week.
So hang in there ironman is just one big bipolar event the ups and downs of training the ups and downs during the race the ups from finishing then the downs of "was that all there is how come all the fun just stopped"

It too will pass then the full blown addiction will kick in and before you know it your signed up for 3 ironman races next year...

Congrats damie was glad to see you out there.
Watch your immune system I'm getting sick as of today stay away from crowds for a week(yea right).


Laura said...

I think I vaguely remember a smiling finishing Ironman who said, "13 hours my arse!" or something similar. Damie, competitive? Noooooooo! ;)

We're all so proud of you and I think you, Joy, Deb, and Nancy have convinced me to get a coach for my next IM....

Jan said...

i love seeing you so happy while you're racing. your pictures are are great! do you have more? i want to see!!!

Anonymous said...

You did so awesome! You are such an inspiration to me!!! Congrats!!!

runningyankee said...

congrats on a great race!