Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bikers and Boozers

Yesterday wrapped up my big training days.  My final 100 mile ride/brick.  The bun is in the, that isn't the right saying.  The hay is in the barn!  That is the one!  No buns in the oven, that would be bad.  

To make my last big day really BIG, I went straight from my brick to the 2nd annual Bikers and Boozers tour.  This is a loosely organized bike tour from bar to bar in Memphis.  Although I missed the first half of the bar tour, I met everyone at Just One More, and made it to Bogeys, P and H, and the Buccaneer Lounge.  

Laura and Damie:)- I mean, I really should have been napping.  But, after 10 text messages from every bar and a finally message saying "where in the hell are you?" I just skipped the shower and made an appearance.  Beer is good carbo loading, so I have heard.  Oh, and Laura and I spent the whole night refreshing the Ironman Live updates on Kona on her i-phone.  

Andrew and Casey- the night is still young.  The shenanigans are about to begin.  :)

Okay, so I nabbed a picture of Laura after many bar visits knocking a picture off of the wall behind her.  Andrew is trying to put it back up before we all get kicked out of the bar.  

Dave and Lisa:  Dave was put on suicide watch because LSU was losing to Florida.  We had to start planning our whole bar tour around him to make sure he could watch the game and wasn't going to hurt himself as our favorite Tigers started to get crushed.  Lisa was in charge of making sure he was okay.   

Robby and Casey:)

The night (for me at least) ended at Mike Cooley's 40th surprise birthday party.  I am sure he loves that I posted that on a public forum.  Mike Cooley is 40 and sporty!  Ha ha!!!!  By the time we reached the party, I was starving.  I literally asked people to give up their places by the counters so I could eat.  All I really did was eat at the party.  It had been 5 hours since I had eaten last + beer = hungry.  So, this party girl eventually headed back to the house and to bed.  Now it is back to the daily grind- run/ride.  Off I go!   


Laura said...

I'm SOOOOOO glad you and Dave could join us Damie! Sorry about the obsessive text messaging, but at least you know you are loved! Glad barns have hay and buns are not in ovens.... :)

Anonymous said...

Yippiii....congrats for getting through the hard part(the training)
.Nothing like that last long weekend then taper time...
Although in a couple of weeks you will be wishing the race was here because tapering is sometimes harder than the long days since its time to back off the caffeine as well...

Then you will start wondering....
did I ride enough ,run enough am I ready(don't worry everyone goes through that) thats why paul huddle at multisports starts answering phone calls from athletes he trains
"ironman suicide hotline" during taper...
As you taper down you can find sometimes even the shortest slowest run makes you feel like crap and you start thinking no way can I do an ironman in next week. You will start second guessing did I do enough is something wrong.
Don't worry and stick to it its just your body coming down from all that long hard training. It's sort of like withdrawel symptoms...
Heck I've felt like crap the day before just riding to check my bike in but race day after then gun goes off it all clicks in.

Actually my long ride was supposed to be last weekend but it sucked so I thought why not do just one more this weekend.. It sucked too...
Did my last long long run today as well and except the fact I seemed to loose about 8 pounds of water felt pretty good mainly because it's my last one for 3 weeks.

So its taper time....
2 weeks 6 days

WATER temp in panama city beach bouy today was 77.9 degrees so wetsuit legal as of now...
don't worry it was 79 degrees this in 2006 this date dropped 10 degrees...

Eileen Swanson said...

WOW, congrats on being so ready to kick butt in FL! I am so excited for you!



Marit C-L said...

Sounds like an awesome workout! Way to go with all the training - you are SO ready! And hee hee hee about the "buns in the oven". I swear - if I put that on my blog, my parents would call ASAP!!!! Great party!!