Friday, July 4, 2008

Welcome To My Blog

It seems that I have a few new readers!  This blog is a place for me to talk to friends, meet new people, talk about the joys and difficulties of Ironman training, and put thoughts into words.  I am glad that I have people interested in reading and knowing how my life is going in general.  I learn so much from all of you, and I am glad we have this place to share.  

You may read about tough days in my blog.  I try to paint a picture of my day in the way I experience it.  This includes amazing days where I feel like I can conquer anything- and it includes bad days where my legs, mind, and heart were left somewhere in a gutter.  And, that is okay- so is life- and definitely so is life in the midst of Ironman training!  

If you are new to reading about me, I appreciate your interest and time in stopping by.  You will see the many angles of my life- the fun, the smart, the dumb, the happy, and the dark.  The best thing about it all, though, are the extraordinary friends that I have in my life that love me for the person I am.  Thank you for listening to my victories and my rants.  I am such a lucky girl to have true friends that are there for me when I set a PR and when I just can't keep up.  

There are only 4 months left till Florida!  It will be interesting to see all of the curve balls that come my way.  I'll keep challenging myself to find the positive in the day to day- and enjoy the small victories along the way.  

Thanks again for reading.  

PS:  You will also probably read a lot about Rooney.  He is my BFF.  :)  


BreeWee said...

Rooney is sooooo cute! I want a dog every time I hear about that one or Liz's Boss dog! One day!

4 months til Florida! Yikes! Enjoy the training, keep it fun, and fingers crossed for an injury free season!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

I meant to tell you about the PT I'm working with at the VA. She is trained in "bird rehabilitation". You becoming a PT will fit perfect with your love of animals. I bet you'll find some really great way of incorporating the two!
My daughter wants a dog so bad. What am I going to do?

Laura said...

Damie, I am so glad to have you as someone who truly knows how to be a good friend on the bad days as well as the good! Hang in there on the bad days, and rant away! I know you'll listen to me when I rant too! ;)

Can't wait to see you finish IM FL!!!!

Laura said...

Oh, and another thing I wanted to share with you. A quote...

There will invariably be people who do not accept you. And in that case you must be your own badass self, without apology
~Katie Goodman, writer/comedian.