Sunday, July 6, 2008

The End...

of two weeks off from school.  Tomorrow I hit the books and classroom again, but this is my last semester of classes!  Through all of the late nights and tears, I finally know now that I can make it through.  (I might need to limit my blogging time on the computer, though, and spend more time studying!)

This weekend was fantastic.  I had a great 70 mile ride on Friday- reminding me that I can keep up- my legs can do it!  It was so nice to know that after some hard days of training, my body would respond if I asked kindly enough.  

Saturday was a good swim.  I held some intervals that I normally would've changed the minute I thought coach Rob wasn't looking.  I had a great lane partner, Alyson, pushing me to keep up.  I kept the self-talk positive and told myself I can do this!  We followed our swim up with a small run and lots of girl talk- super fun!

My early weekend hard work called for a Saturday afternoon pitcher of margaritas with Joy.  I think we even discussed IM nutrition while drinking our nice summer drinks- how ironic:)  And, of course to sober up we walked to the Irish bar for some Irish coffee- hee hee!  We made sure to quit drinking early enough to drink lots of water and hopefully recover for our run on Sunday.    

Today was a good tempo run at 7:00am (I am not a morning person, but I am trying).  The first hour took us through the trails of Shelby Farms.  The trails are always more tiring to my legs than a normal run- the hills, the jumps, the concentration, the hills...:)   The last few miles were supposed to be fast.  I found myself saying to Joy- I am topped out...this is it...go on without me...I am just tired.  Excuses.  (Joy does not put up with excuses, by the way.  She said she was not leaving me just to make sure I did my 10k pace like I was supposed to.)

I am getting so much better at understanding myself-body and mind.  I quickly realized that I was going to that place where I give up.  I immediately stopped and took in a gu (post-margarita morning run usually means I have no nutrition to call upon).  I told myself- hey, yea, you are tired- and you will be tired at every race.  You still have to find the way to pick it up.

The gu+ some extra concentration=doing my run the right way.  I am learning how to push through uncomfortable times and believe in myself.  I am learning that when I start getting down, maybe I need some extra nutrition.  I am replacing the thought- "this sucks" with "this is making me stronger."  :)  

And, this one is for Laura-
I have been enjoying a great afternoon at home:  coffee, Wimbledon, cleaning my room and finding my wedding veil and shoes (so cute!), and hanging with the dogs.  Next thing I know the dogs are kind of quiet- I think to myself that they are playing so well together.  I finally look over and

They are playing with my panties.  Ewwww!!!!!!  Both of them!   First they played tug of war.  I went to save the panties, but they were already stretched to the max.  Then Latte just sat there chewing and chewing on them.   

Now I know why Latte likes to come visit!  hee hee!


BreeWee said...

Oh man, I totally need to limit my blog time too! It was like 15 minutes a day, now it is like 15 minutes a day 3x a day! SO BAD! BUT I have made such cool blog buds that I want to check on them, cheer for them, and well, you get it...

Good luck to limiting your blog life!

Samantha said...

haha. I LOVE that picture. too funny. I didn't know you had a blog either. I added you to my link list and now I'll have to catch up (gonna go chow first. I'm starving). In fact. Bree Wee was the one that got me blogging. She's a good blog bud to have. Very inspirational...and we have the same coach.

You doing the Music City Tri in September? I won't be back to the dirty south until the end of august. If gas goes down, maybe I'll muster up the early early early morning energy to make the long drive to Memphis for a swim.

Happy Training!

Jan said...

i'm proud of you damie! you're doing great!

and you said it best in an earlier blog. balance is key so hang in there with your school work!

Laura said...

LOL! Sorry about that Damie! Latte must be a really big fan of his Aunt Damie! :)

What a great workout weekend. Totally should have just stayed in town and enjoyed it with you! Oh well, everything's a learning experience, right?

Anonymous said...

Hey way to push through the pain. That is something i really need to work on too! Oh, cute pics!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

I already commented on Joy's blog how cool it is that you drank margarita's. I'm just mad I missed it!

Yes, this last semester of classes is the worst because you know the crap is almost over. Hang in there!