Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some Version of Chattanooga Oly

I have written this race report a couple of times, but the computer has crashed, class has started, you name it. So, it keeps getting shorter and shorter! Suffice to say it is now Tuesday, and I have moved on to thinking about the next thing on my life agenda.

In a nutshell, I had a great swim for me(minus a brief goggle malfunction) on Sunday, followed by one of my slowest bikes and slowest runs in the past 2 years. There was the rain factor that took some time away, but mainly I just got my butt kicked. I thought my head was in the game, but looking back on the race, I can see some areas that I really still need to work on.

For one- being able to chase down or hang with a rider that passes me.

And two- getting back to my negative split, strong running.

And three- not talking so much to other people during the race. Okay, that should be easy to change. I am a camera hog, though. I wave for all kinds of pics- I could stop that and conserve the energy. I even met a new friend on the run. I don't think you are supposed to meet new buds in the middle of the 10k, but she talked first! I swear! (I feel a cringe somewhere in the world right now. I think somewhere near Chicago!)

So, my goal for my Olympic race did NOT happen this year. And, that is okay- for now. Just get ready because I am getting ready to bust out an amazing race in the future...I feel it coming on!

Okay, so that is the pleasant version of the race this weekend. I have a couple of other versions that have gone through my head- such as what the f#@k? What a disaster! I find that those versions are counterproductive to my progress, plus I have already taken my full 24 hours to complain and whine about my race.

When the going get tough- the tough get going.


Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

You are too funny! I still think you did great, and it sounds like you enjoyed it! And hey, you and Dave got a nice weekend get-away out of it, right? I don't even want to think about what my race results would be if just Milan and I went with the kids :-0

Marit C-L said...

You did awesome! I've done that bike course before - and when I raced it,it was NOT raining and NOT slippery. And I was still a bit shakey. You got through it and are amazing! Keep up the great work! You WILL get your Olympic race in the nearfuture - I just know it!

Mel said...

I am sure you did great....I was just complaining to a friend the other day WHY is it during training I can do so good....but during a race I suck ass...I know the weather has a lot to do with it....but dang it does make us wonder what the f#@ck happened :) Oh well we move on to the next race and hope for better results...whine for (I say 48 hrs) then move on:0)

Jan said...

i got to read your previous post but i couldn't leave a comment. you did great! i'm proud of you for sticking it out in the terrible weather!

Samantha said...

Thanks for the congrats. Looks like you did great too! Funny thing about the talking while running though...my coach gets on my case if I talk while running because I do the same as you. haha. I didn't talk on sunday though.

Ashley said...

It was SO nice to meet you after the race... thanks for introducing yourself (not hard to spot the LONG on my butt ;). I hear you about the bike course - it was scary. NOT an easy day at all. Great job for pushing through. Hope to see you at another race!

Anonymous said...

I think its awesome that you have fun during a race! I tend to be way too serious. Great job on the slippery bike course!!!