Thursday, July 24, 2008


Deep breath in...deep breath out.

A frequent blog topic of mine is my stress with school. You already know I don't enjoy school anymore. I am an older student here (meaning I am not 24), and I sometimes feel very alone. I am friendly, but don't fit in. I have a husband at home and a life that is a little different from my classmates. I am okay with the choices I have made with life and school (I sacrifice some study time and the A standard in order to pursue other interests), but sometimes the stress does get to me. Take for instance, last night. I couldn't sleep from stress of an upcoming test...stayed on the couch with Rooney....just felt terrible. Right now I am about to cry but refuse to do it in public. I am happy generally between the hours of 5 in the afternoon and 8 in the morning- when I am not at school. Most days I am happy at school too- or I at least try to have a cheerful attitude, but I would honestly rather run 50 marathons in 50 days then to put up with the stress I experience here.

When I sat down at my desk today, I saw a card in my seat. Here is what is said on the inside:

I wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are to me. You probably laughed when you read that last sentence, but you are. You have so many things going on and you handle it all so well! Whenever I don't want to workout because I feel tired, I just think of you. I don't know how you do it, girl! I know you joke about your grades slipping because of your training, but you know about 10 months, we will all be PTs and who cares what anyone made on test 1 of Neuro? Well, I can think of a few people that might care, but not me! ha Just wanted you to know how great I think you are and know that others admire your dedication and perserverence. I hope that one day I'll say I was friends in Pt school with Damie Roberts and she won the Boston Marathon. Ha...Well...maybe not! But, anyway...we're almost to the end and just keep at it and finish strong.

Love ya,

The card was out of the blue and so nice. Funny how angels and kindness come just when you need it, because I just received the worst grade on the test I took this morning that I have ever received here in PT school. The kicker is I thought I did well on the test. The bigger kicker is everyone else did well. So, here I am in the lab fighting back the tears. I keep re-reading the card and reminding myself that I will finish this and be fine-that this stress will end one day.


Eileen Swanson said...

Damie, what a sweet note to you! Just when you needed it! That person is so right, soon you will be a PT working in the field and not caring a bit about a bad grade on some test. Think of it like this, will you care in 5 days, how about in 5 months, what about in 5 years?....probably not, SO CHEER UP!


Anonymous said...

Its always nice to have people suprise you and support you just when you are feeling at your worst! Hang in are doing awesome! Can't wait to train with you again!

Samantha said...

hang in there Damie. It's almost over. I'm the exact same way. Homework got a little neglected last week with all the training and last night I was bombarded with studying for my final for my online class today (and Scott came to town) and realized I hadn't read like half the stuff. haha. oops. I always tell myself, "It's just one test." It'll all get balanced out by other great grades and work out in the end.

You'll have to let me know when you're going on some long rides when I get back to the deep south at the end of next month. I may just have to drive up to M-town so I won't be lonely on my long rides in boring Oxford all by myself.

talk to you soon!

I think I may just take the ferry in tomorrow's swim. haha.

Laura said...

I agree 100% with that note. Damie Roberts, you kick left right and multi-ethnic arse!!!! Chin up, you are SOOOOOOO much more than one little test grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary Eggers said...

Those notes are the very best. The universe will give you what you need at the exact moment you need. to. I am in grad school as well and I share in your hatred of it. But we can do this! 10 months and you are gold. I have 3 more years! BARF!