Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Friend Indeed!

I know I am the only person blogging almost every day - everyone probably thinks I have nothing to do. And, they are right. I have the rest of this week and next off of school! In my defense, I did ride this morning. And, because I am on vacation and cannot wake my lazy self up early, I suffered in the heat-cursing Memphis. I made it back home in one piece, though, and I am going to have to speed read to finish my book for Book Club (aka Drink A Lot of Wine Club) tonight.

Remember the over priced $42 5x7 pictures that I really, really wanted? You know, the ones where I look young- look like I have muscle- can't see the wrinkles or grays- the good angle pictures? I received so many comments and emails from friends telling me that I really should buy them. Several people said it is so hard to find pictures that you really like, and you will appreciate them when you get older. Well, I couldn't do it. I refused to pay that much for them.

Last week I received a package in the mail. Inside the package were:

My pictures!!!!

One of my very best lifetime friends (former college teammate), Patty, bought both pictures and sent them to me. I did not know that she even read my blog. To my knowledge, I didn't even know she knew I had a blog. But, apparently she reads it and keeps up with me.
Patty and Damie at Patty's beautiful beach wedding. Patty is a beach baby- raised in Gulf Breeze Florida.

Patty has been so supportive of me and my recreational pursuit of triathlons. She says she is proud of me, which really means a lot to me. She said she may even try to do a half marathon in the future (post-baby of course, she is 22 weeks preggers right now). Hearing Patty say she would like to run a race sent shock waves through the earth's core. Along with Whitney, Patty would do anything in college to get out of running for soccer. Don't get me wrong, both Patty and Whitney are the fastest, strongest athletes I know. They just don't think running to run is fun. At least they didn't use to think that way. Funny how Whit just did her first tri and now Patty is looking to the future to take on a new challenge.

So, a huge thanks to Patty. She is such a great friend- the kind that takes care of me and loves me for the flawed friend that I am. Every day the world reminds me just how lucky I am....


Dolphin Boy said...

Aloha Damie,thanks for stopping by my Blog & leaving the nice comment.
One of my favorite bands is Gaelic Storm? have you ever heard of them? they are awesome!

Anyway, enjoy your vacation. Sounds like Patty is a really good friend. What a nice surprise to receive your race photos from her!

Dolphin boy!

Anonymous said...

The pictures look great. You very much deserve them. Keep up the hard work. Love you. P