Thursday, June 26, 2008

Your Personal Legend

Book Club! A meeting of the minds on the Alchemist.

The question of the night, of course, was what is your personal legend- and are you following it? After a few glasses of wine, I couldn't really give anyone an intelligent answer- the brain cells weren't responding. I did mumble something about an animal farm, which is something I have always wanted.

Sober now, what I also wanted to say was that I don't think a personal legend has to be a single thing. My life is made up of many accomplishments, dreams, and goals. I hope to fulfill 100 personal legends, at the least. Someone asked me at the book club meeting, "So what does being a PT have to do with animals?" meaning "You are not following your personal legend." Well, it has a lot to do with my personal legend. I have followed all of the signs and omens in my life that have led me to PT. I look forward to my upcoming career. And, I think that an animal farm will have a part in my life too. It does not always have to be one or the other. I have lots of loves in my life. I want to go for all of them.

I also think fulfilling a personal legend, in my mind, is to be great at something. Now, I haven't figured that one out yet. Hopefully I have a lifetime ahead of me to find that true hidden talent and passion. :) I would love to accomplish something that rocks me to the core- the way an Olympian feels when the medal is put on her neck, or a Nobel Prize winner feels receiving the award. - What will be the pinnacle of my life?

Book Club Pics

Damie and Bekah- my sister. Do you love the matching pink? We love to read- we are nerds.

After wine, we are convinced that that kitty loves her boa. She is a princess.

Lisa, the best hostess, is in green. Notice the wine bottles on the table.... I did not feel 100% the next day :)

When Lisa hosts book club, you always get goodies from the prize closet. Since she works for a sunscreen manufacturer, we loaded up on all kinds of SPF. Pale is the new tan, you know. And, don't mind my weird pout in the picture. My sister said that the Olsen twins say "prune" when they pose for pictures to give them a pout, so I was just trying out the prune pout. Not so good on me.


Joy said...

The cat, Buzz, is a boy. !! Proud of his personal legend to be a cross dressing kitty.

Damie said...

that is even funnier! what a character!