Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Race Report- Take 2 Sans Pictures

Still no pics from Whit, but I will post some as soon as I get them.

The alarm goes off at 4:30am and I head off to Gulf Shores. I really, really need some caffeine, but I can't take any because I will pee 10 times during the race if I do. I get there and start setting up everything. The first race of the year is always fun because I just look dumbfounded trying to remember what I am supposed to do.

Then the announcement: no swim. So what if there is a huge storm coming, a huge surf, and the coastal life guards can't get through the breakers? Who cares about red flags? I came to swim! Fine, whatever. Now it is a duathlon. I have never even done a duathlon. What do I do? Do you go out hard? Take it easy on the first run? I was still excited to at least race...it had been soooooooooo long.

First run: We start time-trial style (not my favorite because you really don't know where you are in relation to the other athletes). Off I go! Oohhh. That was a slow run. I think to myself, is this an indicator of how my second run will be? Oh well...onto the bike! Yea!!!!

Bike: This was the fun part of the day. I promised myself I would push it, although I still don't quite know exactly what that means. I still feel very inexperienced on the bike. But, I spot people and just start working to pass. There was never a section without wind, and 1 mile of a tailwind out of the 19.5 miles. But, I was so focused on riding hard it did not bother me. I just went with it-no complaining. I even challenged myself at one point to really push it in the middle. There was a "pack" forming, and I didn't like the looks of it- I don't want a penalty when I have been working so hard. So, I pull up next to a girl that has been swapping spots with me all morning and said "let's go. Let's get away from these guys. Come on!" So, I push it around the group...my legs were burning...it was the fastest I have ridden in a race. Granted, it didn't last long, but I got around the group and figured if those other guys were so fast they could just repass me.

The best part of the ride happened around mile 15 or so. Jeff Skinner, my friend and excellent cyclist, catches me. Remember, it was a time trial start, so he started about 2 min behind, we think. He passes with a smile..."Keep it up Damie." I keep riding and notice that although he has passed me, he wasn't gaining much ground. So, about a mile later I give it one more effort and pull back up to him. I said "Get moving, Skinner. Don't you dare pass me only to slow down!" He couldn't believe he didn't drop me. Then we turned back into the head wind and he took off- never to be passed again. (He told me later he waited till we got to the full head wind because he knew I wouldn't have the strength to hang with him. He was right! :) So, good, fun ride. I think I was around 21.2 mph or something close to that. I was proud of that for the start of the season, and I had fun! Plus, I didn't complain in my mind about the wind. I just kept going.

T2 to Run 2: Some guy just left all of this crap everywhere and his bike at an angle, so T2 was not a super clean transition. But, on with my running shoes and off I go! Ouch. This doesn't feel as easy as is normally does. I pass a girl or two, but then that is it. I know that the first 1/2 mile is usually a little tough, but it dissapates...just keep pushing. Well, it did get easier, but I didn't get any faster. Bummer. My run- normally a strength of mine off of the bike- was my weakness. Thoughts of mine on the run:
  1. My hair is too long. I can't wait to get it cut. Boy is it bothering me.
  2. I hope no one cares that I keep picking my bathing suit out of my butt. (it was my first time to race in this suit)
  3. Oh, I knew I shouldn't have done all of those fun runs/races this spring. I should've been training. NO, replace that with a positive thought. Your legs are strong. They are happy you have put the marathons on them. There will be good that comes from this.
  4. Okay, you don't have to worry about these girls. They are in there 30s...not in your age group.
  5. 5 mintues later. Wait a minute. I am 30! I am in a different age group!
  6. Why is this guy coaching me. Stop talking! Can't you see I am running here?
  7. Okay, a girl is passing you. Don't let that happen. Get back to her. Shoot, I can't get to her. She looks smooth. She looks happy. I look like a horse that is too old to be on the track.
  8. Time trial races come down to SECONDS, Damie. You must pick it up. Fine, just get to the finish line. How far away is it? This is the longest mile ever!!!!
  9. Oh, there is Whit. Don't wave again. Just finish. Finish strong.

Whoo! I have never wanted a run to be over more than that one (with the exception of the St Jude marathon...much worse!). I finished my first race of the year, yea!!! It was hard, too! It has really been since Nov/Dec since I have raced with the intention of racing. My body truly had forgotten what a race felt like. My legs had forgotten what it was like to move quickly. But, my spirit remembered how much fun it was to finish.

I think the best part of the day for me was hanging around watching people finish. Most people leave before the end of the race. Skinner and I stayed and cheered on some of the last finishers. One girl was overweight, and I knew that the race was a struggle for her too. But, she finished...and I teared up. When we get caught up thinking that we must be faster and better than everyone else...harder on ourselves...get better equipment and ride till we die...it is good to see someone finish that is just proud to finish. That is truly an accomplishment.

So, what is next? I am going to focus on getting through my half IM at the end of May. I need to keep riding and put some running miles back on my legs. Let the training begin!


Joy said...

That is so much like the stuff that goes through my head when racing! Ohhhh I'm about to have (hopefully a little less than) 5 hours of internal monologue this weekend! Funny Damie, and good job on the bike! Never be complacent!

Laura said...

Great race Damie! Nice report too. I can't remember what I think about on the run (I try to block it out once it's over) but I'll let you know next week after my first race of the season....

Anonymous said...

Steve had all the "good"stuff hidden so you wouldn't think all we do is sit on our couch, eat strawberry icing, and stare at our baby girl....we do do other things, I just can't think of any right now....plus we did not want to temp you!!!
pop tarts it is!!!!