Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I am a lurker.  It is strange.  If other people do it, does that make it okay?  

I did not even know what a blog was until after the 2007 Hawaii Ironman.  Someone named Bree Wee (with a great blog, by the way) had a fantastic finish at the race.  Since she was American and close to my age, I wanted to find out about her.  Well, type in Bree Wee to google, and guess what comes up...her blog.  

It was such a great read!  It was motivational and inspiring.  Weird, too, since I was reading all about someone that I don't even know.  Look to the left, and there are links to other triathletes.  Read their blogs, and you are connected to even more!  I wonder how many other people were introduced to the blog world in the same way.  

  I have since become a lurker.  I have read great stories and gained inspiration from people that I have not met in person.  I have even had a chance to meet some really neat athletes like Mira and Jen Harrison through blogging.  It has been a great way to connect to other triathletes in the community- directly or indirectly.  I will try to be more direct in the future and not quite such a lurker.  

Thank you to all that read my blog.  Have a great Tuesday.  I hope the post-Tiger blues have gone away.  They are still #1.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love it when the lurkers come out!! :) I am glad you met us in blogland...it is really a small world!! :) Jen H.

Anonymous said...

I still have the tiger blues bc I'm still driving home. Seems to be a much longer drive coming home...nine point lead with two min to go. Jan

Laura said...

Damie - I do the same thing, so I hope it's OK! Now we have blogs too that people can Google to find out more about us. :) It seems like that Tri Women community you are mentioning that I have also found (from comments on your blog and others) is so supportive and inspiring. It's a great way to find connections and motivation from amazing women who really do *do it ALL*!!!!