Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Race Looming...

My first race of the year is here- the Alabama Coastal tri this Saturday in Gulf Shores. The distance is somewhere between a sprint and an oly- 1,000yd ocean swim, 19.5 mile bike, and 4.5 mile run. Short enough to start the season, but long enough to make me hurt I am sure!

I decided to do this race mainly to get some ocean swim practice in before Ironman Florida. I have never been swimming in the ocean before, so I thought it was really important that I try it at least once before the big race.

Me and swimming=good friends. I am not fast, but I really like to swim. It is fun! I don't always like doing it at 5:30 in the morning, but I like the way the water feels. I think all kinds of thoughts while I am swimming and plan all kinds of things. I sing to myself too. When I was a kid, I wanted to be on the swim team at the EMCC, but my mom had to be at work in the summer too early, so there was no one to bring me to practice. So, I didn't get to sign up.

Two and a half years ago I decided to start swimming so I could enter a triathlon. Like everyone else that didn't do swim team, I could make it 25 yards and then exploded-holding on to the side of the wall gasping for breath after my whole minute of swimming. I am not sure why I didn't quit! I remember the first day I went to master's swim at the downtown Y. I was in the beginner class, but the "good swimmers" were still finishing their swim. I took one look at them and called Dave to tell him I was coming home. There was no way I was going to humiliate myself! He told me to get my butt in the pool-no excuses. And, here I am almost in my 3rd year of swimming, still waking up while it is dark- before any human should wake up to go swim.

This weekend I have some swim goals- not necessarily in this order:
1. Don't get sick from swallowing too much salt water.
2. Don't drown.
3. Don't get sea-sick. (I have gotten sea sick just standing in the ocean before!)
4. Don't get eaten by a shark.

If I can get through the first half of the swim without the previous problems, then my final goal will be to try to swim hard and strong. Not too hard (which isn't a problem because I am not fast) but just a good, even effort. You know, make all of those 5:30 am swims count! I am also going to try to look for pretty fish- take in the scenery if I can. I guess I should really be finding feet and hanging on instead of looking for fish. Oh well, we will see how it goes!


Klint E. Beckendorf said...

One quick bit of advice if this is your first salt water swim. Get in a few minutes before the race and get some salt water in your mouth. It may not taste good, but it is better to get over that taste before the swim actually starts.

Laura said...

Damie, I wish I had a love relationship with swimming. We're just not friends, probably because I suck at it SOOOOO much - LOL.

Good luck this weekend! I know you'll do GREAT!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

You're going to do great! Just think of Dorey and sing, "Just keep swimming..."

Jan said...

you're going to do so well! i'm excited for you!

here's my advice. watch out for jellies! i ran into a pack of them in my first (and only) ocean swim, and it made the rest of the race quite interesting with a swollen face. i don't think it's jelly season so you should be fine, but still, watch for em!

KeithC said...

Don't forget the bodyglide! The saltwater will rub you raw.

Good Luck and have fun!

Damie said...

Thank you guys so much for the advice! That is stuff I didn't even think of! And, now I will have Ellen Degeneres in my head for the whole swim. Ha!

Unknown said...

seriously about the sharks. did you hear about that man/triathlete in california last week? TERRIBLE. go fast & be careful!


CBD said...

Go Damie go! Congrats on yet another medal!