Friday, March 21, 2008

A Quick Note About a Slow 74

What is the best way to do your first ride in 3 weeks, post wreck, almost post illness? Jump in with a group that has been riding long all spring and do 74 miles. Needless to say I was dropped (and I mean riding by myself an can't see anyone ahead of me dropped) at about mile 30 and then again at about 50. Too long...too fast...too out of shape. Oh the misery of it! But, it honestly was a great ride. (And, for the the record, I thought they said we were riding about 2 hours TOTAL, not 2 hours OUT- meaning we had to get back too).

BTW, my longest ride since the fall has been 40 miles. Don't ask me why I thought it was okay to just double that. Plus, I have a horrible sunburn...forgot that was one of the side effects of the antibiotics I am on is increased sun sensitivity.

Everyone should get dropped a couple of times a season. It keeps you humble, challenges you, and gives you something to work on. I remember the very first time I was dropped. It was my first time to ride with my new swimming friends, Layla and Brian, and I had only ridden my bike a handful of times- never more than 10 miles. I couldn't keep up from the start. Pretty soon they were riding, talking, and laughing...about 3 miles ahead of me. I rode by myself fighting back the tears. I came home and told my husband I had a miserable time and would never ride with them again. It was just too humiliating for a newbie. But, little by little I improved and started to enjoy riding. And when I can't keep up, well, I just do the best I can and try to make the most out of the situation. I can always work on keeping a positive mental attitude even when my legs give out.


Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

I know exactly how you feel. I started riding with a new group last fall and most of the time I'm the slowest of the bunch. But it's good practice and it makes me work harder than I ever would alone.
Congrats on the GT 1/2! Nice costume!

Laura said...

You did GREAT for not having ridden harly at all so far this year. I'm so glad you came out with us, and sorry for the mix-up about riding time! Now if we can only get me to the pool in the morning..... ;)