Monday, March 3, 2008

Little Rock Half Marathon 2008

Three fantastic, awesome women getting ready to run the streets of Little Rock.

Gina, Joy and I ran the Little Rock 1/2 Marathon yesterday. To runners and triathletes, it is no big deal. But, to the average population, that is a huge deal! Many people train months to finish a half marathon. We just jump in one...confident and secure we will finish and hoping to run as fast as possible. This still boggles my mind sometimes.

This thought hit me yesterday as I was running. Had any of us trained for Little Rock? No. Did we have a training schedule? No. We have reached that point in our running lives where we can just jump into a half marathon with little thought. And then I great! What a perfect way to spend a Sunday- just running a race with girlfriends! It was so cool! I can't believe that I spend my weekends running long races "just because."

I ran this half marathon last year and really liked it. It is pretty hilly- Gina says it is hillier than Nashville. So, that is good training. Unfortunately this year was warm whereas last year was cold. I like the cold a little more! And one thing I don't remember from last year was the wind! It seemed like there was a headwind everywhere until the end!

I started off on my goal pace which was around 7:35. I kept in this range until about mile 6 or so. It seemed that I started struggling through the wind when others around me were slicing through it. I would get back on pace and then lose it as soon as I hit a big hill with a windy push. I saw Gina around mile 9ish? She reminded me to stay in the race. (My friends worry that I will just tell the race to "suck it" if I am not doing well). But, I was into this run-enjoying it and doing the best I could.

I took too much gu too early and paid for it in those middle to late miles. But, this is exactly the type of practice I need before Florida. I couldn't figure out if I was going to stop and just throw up the gu or what. Needless to say, the very moment I finished the race I had to diarrhea....I mean the very second I stopped running. Poor Gina had to pull off on the way home for me so I didn't explode in her car! I would like to know how Joy manages to take in all of that gu. I keep trying, but I think I will have to go back to my old half marathon gu schedule.

There were no PRs to be had in Little Rock by either Gina or me. I came in at 1:44:29. I didn't feel as upset as I thought I would, though. The race gave me some good feedback about my current fitness, strengths, and weaknesses. It also gave me some motivation. I don't care to see that clock time again. There is a lot of happiness to take away from the race, but I do enjoy being more competitive than that.

JOY, on the other hand, won 2nd place overall 1/2 women. When I got to the finish she was waiting on us with a big, pink diamond trophy. She took home a nice check, which I expect she will spend on me since this was my idea to run the race. I think I should totally be Joy's manager.

Now, for a funny picture. This is the only pic my aunt got of me. I am not sure what I am doing with my shirt. Pulling it up for what? I don't remember having an itch...maybe I was getting a piece of candy from my pocket? I just think this picture is so funny. I mean, really...what am I doing? Getting ready to flash an upcoming camera?

And, a "here's your sign" from the weekend: Joy and Gina informed me that I won't have to worry much longer about not getting in my workouts after work in Corinth because the clock changes next week. My response was: "for everyone?" The said, no Damie, everyone but you. Here's your sign.


KeithC said...

I like the look on people's faces when you say you are running a half marathon as a training run. Just wait until Ironman training and you tell people you only have to ride 60 miles this weekend and say that it's an easy weekend ride.

Laura said...

In response to KeithC: Seriously. I ran with Layla this weekend and said I *only* ran 13 with her (this is to her 22) and my friends Jeff and Andrea laughed at me! LOL. Damie - great run! You had fun with your running buddies and that's all that matters! Oh and I CAN'T WAIT for daylight savings time (for all of us)!! :)

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Just came across your blog and saw that you were here in LR for the race. Hope you enjoyed the race. Yes, your friend Joy is AWESOME! I've seen her at some tri's in Memphis. Maybe I'll meet you the two of you at MIM. Will you be there?