So before Isla, this was doable. I was up early to SBR- worked a full day- SBR at night if I needed a second session. Rinse, repeat. I didn't realize how much the frequency really mattered to me. I am not saying it was perfect. I was tired at work many days. I remember one time I pulled into a parking lot because I had 5 minutes before seeing one of my kiddos for therapy. I fell asleep, only to wake up later in a panic. Dave also
Fast forward 4 years and I have tried the 1 x daily on most days. Not because I think it is the best training method but because I just haven't figured out how to work it all in. And let me tell you, it just doesn't work. It doesn't! 5-6 "sessions" (as in stumbling around at dark 0'thirty slower than a grandma) a week vs 10-12? LIGHT YEARS apart.
I had to take a hard look at what was NOT working. It was so obvious, but I just couldn't really wrap my head around what change to make. I can honestly say I still don't really know how I am going to fit in more, but the alternative is being very out of shape and not able to race because it is not enjoyable.
My solo pool
Step two was asking Dave if I could have 2 evenings a week to do an extra session. On Mondays I will go to the track and do a solo workout. He agreed and I got myself back out there for some repeats for the first time in a year. It was so good to run in the daylight!
Step three is getting our new house! I will have a training room which means finally, after almost 4 years of it being nearly impossible to ride my trainer, I will have a quiet and private spot to get in some morning rides. I really think this will be key. We close on Friday!!!
My best run EVER! My first run with Isla. She waited all morning by the front door to run with me when I got home from my big run. It is amazing how kids can run- I probably stopped her before she needed to stop. This was seriously one of the most precious moments of my life.
Some alternative training: kids yoga!
Oh it really is hard. I am up at 4 am EVERY SINGLE morning - and I keep saying to Shaun 'this is not normal'. Am going to email you now. Axx
it's so hard! it's hard for me with a full time job and a dog—i can't imagine what a kid and husband would add! sounds like prioritizing what's most important and letting go of what's not is the only way you will find peace. taking care of yourself—body, mind and soul is imperative. be good to yourself. xo
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