Monday, February 16, 2015

Pushing On

It has been a very busy month!  I am thrilled to have a few minutes to write on my blog, though, as our winter weather has kept us home and Isla is happy counting glue sticks and doesn't need my immediate attention.

Surgery!  Dave had his AC joint repair.  We knew this would be a very hard surgery.  It involves cutting off some bone, using a hamstring allograft to create a ligament, and some drilling/wire/etc...  The first few nights when Dave was up screaming in pain, my heart really went out to him.  Of course Isla happened to get sick right when Dave had surgery, so I was back and forth between their rooms several nights taking care of fever, wiping tears, rubbing backs, filling ice bags, and administering medicine.  Both of them needed "Momma Nurse."  It was insane, but we did it.    
Daddy's little helper....I left the room for one second and she had climbed up on his surgery side.  Oops!
No wonder the surgery hurt.  Yikes.  But Dave is doing awesome now.  He is still immobilized but hopefully starts PT next week.
3 weeks after Dave's surgery, I was able to get out a bit and run a 4 mile race.  It was a huge flop for me- almost 2 minutes slower than I did 2 months ago.  That is A LOT of time to bleed out of a 4 miler.  I have so many #excuses...maybe 7 or so.  Doesn't matter.  I think that on the day, I was just not fit.  All 7 reasons just point to not being fit on the starting line.  I was miserable out there as I ran so slowly and hurt doing it.  I was super dejected, as I keep taking 2 steps forward and then 10,000 steps back on this journey. 
 My post race stalking of Dave Wottle, 800 meter Olympic Gold Medalist.  Google his race- amazing. 
But let me tell you why I ran anyway, even though it was not ideal.   1.  I love to run.  I was slow when I started years ago, and I didn't let that stop me.  I don't let it stop me now.  2.  No one can be at their best, all of the time, at races.  There are other reasons for getting out there.  If you are worried about posting a bad time, you will sit on the sidelines more often than you want.  And you know what?  I would rather start the game and have a bad game than sit on the sidelines wishing I were playing.  Years of soccer taught me that.   3.  Dave Wottle:  He was the guest speaker at the event, and I was not going to miss that. 
 Because swim caps go with every outfit!
So, onto spunky 19-month-old.  Where to start?  The fun stuff is watching her little brain grow and develop.  It is just amazing the things she can say...from counting to the alphabet.  She does something daily that is just so brilliant it puts a big smile on my face.  All toddlers are so brilliant in the eyes of their mamas!  :)  Plus she gives amazing hugs and kisses, and I love them even if they are a little manipulative.  ;)
We are still struggling with sleep here.  Majorly.  I don't want to keep belabouring the topic on my blog.  At the same time, maybe there is another family who has struggled like we have.  Not every mom has an easy going, sleeping baby.  I think I was up 10+ times last night.  This is a big struggle for our family.  We do not expect a toddler to sleep through the night without help- that is what parenting is about.  But, we have been on the excessive side of no sleep for a long time. We have had periods where it has gotten better, and then is has regressed.  But, we will keep working through it.  It will get better! 
 Valentine's Day Dinner....Isla fed me instead of eating herself.  What a date! 
My child also does not like to eat.  90% of the time I pick her up from daycare and she has not eaten a thing.  I would say 90% of the time she won't eat dinner either.  This is a huge source of stress for Dave and I because we know if she doesn't eat, she will be cranky to the max.  I imagine this is all part of toddlerhood in some way.  Yet....all of my friends kids of the same age eat good portions of food.  Even daycare gets concerned about her.  Most of the time she will try something and then cry.  She won't touch a bite after that.  So...hmmmm.    
But man the cuteness!  Isla loves hats. 
A little while later, we had on another hat.  I love kissing those cheeks!!!!
And I rounded out my weekend by taking Isla on a dinner date.  And oh what a date she was....snoozed through most of it after skipping her nap.  That's my girl!!!!

Racing:  Next up, Little Rock Half Marathon.  I am nervous I have gone so far backwards in fitness that I will be jogging, and that is not what I wanted out of this race.  But, I am going to show up and just push with every day and every hand I am dealt. 


Unknown said...

You are doing such a GREAT job juggling the demands of being a Mom, work and wife - give yourself credit, you deserve it! And, love your quote to about not sitting on the sidelines, I have been in that mode the last 3 years and glad I didn't! Have fun in Little Rock! Any interest in maybe doing St Judes at end of the year?

Gayle said...

WOW! Your hands are more than full. I would be very concerned that if you started one of the races, you might get to the end and just keep running!!!! You do a great job of being mom, wife and Damie keeper! Just hang in there. If she doesn't start sleeping soon, at least you can send her to college in 16 years....