Monday, January 12, 2015

Herb Parson Trail Half Marathon

Herb Parson Trail Half Marathon

This was my first race of 2015, and my first race as an Enell Ambassador.  I just cannot say enough about this generous and loving company.  Their product (sports bras for endowed women...for me, that is sports bras for nursing mommas) is simply THE BEST.  I am serious about running and I log a lot of miles and races.  I have tried it all.  This is the only bra I will wear because it is the only bra that works.  There is no bounce, which leaves me more comfortable and able to focus on running.

On to the day-

The trail half marathon is not really a race, per se.  True to the trail running vibe, it is a low key event with no awards and a nice finisher medal.  I highly encourage all runners or wanna-be runners to try a trail event.  You will spend half of your day saying "good morning" and "great job" to other runners as you meet them on the trail.  It is really about enjoying the outdoors and terrain. 

I have taken a true off season this year in Nov and Dec, which is a little odd since I never really had an on season.  (It is all part of the bigger picture to be fit and fresh for April racing.)  I was able to run the November half marathons on my summer fitness, but I knew I wouldn't have that to draw from in this run.  But, my goal was to run the course faster than I did last year when I was 5 months postpartum.  I figured that was very doable!  I think if you always wait to be in shape to race, you will hardly ever race.  There is a lot of joy in something like a simply trail run that can be had just by showing up.  

I drove to the race, I had such this amazing thought about how LUCKY and PRIVILEGED I am to be able to run a half marathon without a second thought...without a training plan...without blinking an eye.  It was not always like this for me, though, and I remember when I struggled to run 2 miles.  But, here I am, just running a half marathon like it is a daily occurrence.  How fortunate I am! And it really is a testimony to the fact that where we are today is not where we will be in 5... 10...15 years if we keep working at it. 
At the sunny but cold start with some soccer buddies.  

The race started out well and I felt good.  I found myself oddly in 1st place by 1.5 miles, and then I had to start all of the internal monologue on whether I was racing or not.  Was this a fun run, a training run, or a race?

The day started off sunny and cold, but progressively got cloudy and colder.  The trails were muddy from 24 hours of rain the day before.  It is always a good day on the trails, but I have to admit, I was not enjoying the mud.  At one point, I slipped and was pretty sure I strained my MCL or compromised my meniscus.  My old, torn-up knees were not happy, and I started to get grumpy.  (and a week later, I can definitely say that I tweaked my knee- meniscus or otherwise.  It still doesn't feel good.)

I had to pee early on and was passed by another girl.  By about mile 8 I was back with her and she was slowing.  I remember thinking, "wow, this is easy.  I'll just relax here for a mile and two then go.  After all, I want to enjoy the trail today, and I can run at this pace all day." 

And then, minutes later, I just felt tired.  I wasn't winded.  I was just tired.  It was odd, and it was a feeling I just don't experience in races.  I was not enjoying the mud.  I was super hungry from lack of breakfast (I can thank Isla for stealing mine).   I didn't have any fuel to get me through those last miles.  I had not truly prepared appropriately for the morning's run.  Plus, honestly, I just wasn't fit and couldn't fake it.  First place girl just kept her pace, and I stopped concentrating and wished for some food and my warm house.  I was starting to feel grumpy, which is unusual and was more than likely the result of underfueling.  I finished as 2nd female.

And, it was totally okay.  I realized I had not been committed to racing that day.  I was just happy to get in some trail time and see some friends. (And for those of you who raced on the day, the race director did add a loop so your times will not compare to last year). 
At the finish with my friend of 32 years, Jamie.  You would think a long time friend like that would have given me a blanket or something, right?  Geez!  :)

Congrats to my friends Gaither and Kristen.  This was Gaither's first trail race. 

A HUGE thank you to Enell, for not only making it possible for me to run comfortably, but for also being such a great company and support for this girl.  



Steve said...

I am just getting around to this. Yesterday for one of the few times in my life I wasn't in blog reading mode. I needed sleep. :) one of my last races was a half. I didn't give it the proper respect. 13.1 ain't no joke.

Since you do longer distances a lot, you probably just like me didn't give the half the proper respect.

All races are hard I guess from the mile on up.

Unknown said...

I would love to try a trail run sometime...... I love being outside and the dirt is so soft on my feet and joints. Way to get out there and enjoy nature! Its amazing how the body remembers stuff too when we have not been training fully! Great recap.